


Everyone's favorite Share Your Battle Weekly Challenge - Dragons is back. It will be my sixth time writing about it so I am gradually exhausting the Dragon Monsters I can talk about, well, not really, there are still a ton. 😁 This time I have decided to showcase a battle involving a very, very new addition to the game and probably one of the best cards from the Riftwatchers miniset - Agor Longtail. It is a great taunt Monster and a definite must-play, in mu humble opinion, when the mana cap can accommodate it as it costs the whooping 15 mana, taking the crown for the most expensive (in terms of mana) Monster in the game from the Chaos Dragon.

Now before getting into the stats discussion of the Monster, let's have a sneak peek into its LORE

So, Agor is a "she" and she's actually really large and wise. Her current status seems to be "really pissed of at the Chaos Legion" 😁


Alright, we've got some idea of what Agor Longtail is, after glancing at its lore. Let us have a look at its stats and abilities at different key levels now.


  • Having in mind that it is a Legendary Monster, it is expected for it to start with at least 2 special abilities but in this case the Agor Longtail starts with 3. It has Flying, Taunt and Void Armor. All 3 are very useful as far as tanking is concerned. One more interesting fact which also makes the Monster even more powerful is that it actually has 2 types of attack - Melee and Magic. This means it can also be used at the back of the line-up and still attack or at the off-tank position, for instance.
  • At level 2 it gains 2 additional points in the Health department going from 11 to 13.
  • At level 3 it gains a 4th ability - Heal. Heal is probably as good of a tanking ability as it can get since not having to rely on external healing is really important in a lot of situations.
  • Finally maxed out at level 4 the Monster has 3 Melee Attack, 3 Magic Attack, 3 Speed, 6 Armor and 14 Health.

Now that we know what the card does (or doesn't do) at the different levels of play, let us have a look at the battle I have chosen to showcase.


  • The line-up of the Battle and the Ruleset:


The rulesets for this battle are Close Range (Range units can attack from the tank position) and Melee Mayhem (Melee attack from anywhere). The mana budget is 58 which is pretty loose so it does allow for a lot of Monster combos. The available Splinters are: Life, Water and Dragon, of course. I am obviously going to choose the Dragon Splinter as I want to showcase this week's Monster. I am going to go with my faithful level 3 Quix. I actually now own a level 3 Sthispa but I have to get her at least to level 4 before thinking of using her in Gold League.



I start off with our tank of the week, which is, of course, Agor Longtail. I think this is the best place for it because of the line-up I am going with.



The 2nd place in the line-up goes to a Monster I have also already blogged about (you can find the link at the bottom of the page), namely the Carnage Titan. It's currently the best off-tank in the game due to its Reach and Double Strike abilities.



The 3rd place in the line-up goes to another favorite Monster of mine and also a share your battle star - the Chaos Dragon. It was the most expensive (in mana terms) Monster in the game until Agor Longtail showed up this Tuesday. It often wreaks havoc in the enemy backline due to its Scattershot and Blast abilities paired with its Magic attack



The 4th spot is for Adelade Brightwing. This is another Monster I basically constantly use due to its ability to repair amor, paired with its ability to Resurrect a fallen ally (once per battle) which is also huge if the right friendly Monster gets to be revived. It also has Flying which is also really helpful.



Following immediately after is the Celestial Harpy. My thinking here is that if I happen to face a Sneak line-up it will help with its evasiveness. Its opportunity strike also helps a lot when having to finish off a low-health Monster.



Last but definitely not least yet another Share Your Battle Challenge participant - the Void Dragon. It is very well-known for its evasiveness so I have it at the back to protect from any pesky Sneak Monsters the enemy might decide to employ. It is also very resilient to Magic Damage so if it happens to be the last Monster alive and face off against a Magic attacker, my bets are on it.


It is time for a quick round by round analysis:

  • So the Summoner I am going with for this battle my very own Quix. I have recently managed to level him to level 3 so I can finally use him as often as I want. My enemy is rocking a level 6 Sloan, so it seems we will start off at an even footing even though I actually counter Sloan's +1 Ranged Attack damage with my Quix.


  • After 1 round both tanks have taken a bit of a beating and it seems that my Chaos Dragon hit the enemy backline as there are 3 Monsters at less health than what they began the battle with.


  • At the start of Round 3 you can see that Agor is at the verge of dying but the enemy Uriel is not very far off either. I have to note that as my Agor is not level 3 yet, I cannot take advantage of its self-heal unfortunately.


  • Round 4 is here and both tanks have perished, however, I feel like I have a pretty clear advantage at this point.


  • Round 5 is the last round of this battle as all that is left for me is to take down the sole survivor from the enemy team at this point - the Disintegrator, which did not have the chance to attack at all up until this moment.


Agor Longtail is a great taunt Monster for the Dragon Splinter. It comes a probably still a bit inflated price of $17.00 per BCX so I am still holding back of buying 2 more BCX I need to get it to level 3.

GhostlyBG, over and out


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