The Goblin Psychic is hands down my favorite Earth Splinter card. I like a lot the art of the card (it reminds me of Yoda a lot and I really enjoy that) but even more because of its utility. But before going into the details of that, let's learn a bit more about our green fellow - The Magi Tower is where Goblins go to learn how to use psychic abilities. It isn't just a gift Goblins can learn, but due to the proximity of Gobson, Goblins tend to show up more frequently. The Magi who calls the tower home, enjoys teaching the art of using one's mind to move objects and read thoughts. Goblin Psychics use their abilities to perform work in Gobson or become adventurers and practice to become a full fledged Summoner.


So now that we have some vague idea of what the Goblins lives in the Magi Tower might be like, let us turn to what we have all come here to learn about, namely why choose recruit the Goblin Psychic to your Earth healer team and is the dude any good.


  • Even at level 1 the Goblin Psychic is a must include monster in every Obsidian setup as long as the mana limit allows it. With the magic attack of 2 (3 with Obsidian) and the Heal ability, the Monster is both with formidable damage and great support function.
  • At level 4 things get even more interesting as he also gets Affliction, which is a skill which prevents the enemies targeted by the Psychic to be healed when affected by affliction (chance on hit to apply the ability)
  • Level 7 is the true winner though as then the goblin also gets the Silence ability which reduces the magic damage which is huge in magic vs magic Earth mirror battles.
  • The level 10 Dispell is the cherry on top and makes the Monster even better.


Now that we know what the card does at the different levels of play, let us have a look at the GAME I have chosen to showcase.

The line-up is the following:

  • Mycelic Slipspawn in the tank position because of its Taunt ability. A lot of people play it in the backline but I always play it in the front when I run 2 healers which is the case in this battle.

  • Unicorn Mustang - I consider it currently the best tank in the Earth Splinter line-up as far as bronze/silver leagues are concerned (and gold probably). It has a good attack value, a lot of health and its Void ability is great for countering enemy magic.

  • Mushroom Seer is another favorite Earth Splinter monster of mine which is indispensable in an anti-magic line-up because of its Silence ability. Of course if you happen to be lucky enough to possess and be able to summon a level 7 Goblin Psychic, the Mushroom Seer becomes redundant, but until then it is a must in Obsidian vs Obsidian match-ups.

  • Goblin Psychic - we know all about him already... 😜

  • Wood Nymph is the 2nd healer I always use when the mana limit allows it (if it doesn't I usually opt for solo Psychic or solo Nymph if I deem a healer necessary)

  • Goblin Sorcerer - last but not least is the Goblin Sorcerer - he is great at targeting the enemy backline and can cause a lot of trouble there with its Sneak ability.


Now that we have become acquainted with the line-up and the monsters' positioning, let's have a quick look at the BATTLE sequence:

  • Round 1 - Both my opponent and I have opted to go with Taunt monsters in the tanking position. I also have my unicorn as an off-tank while he has decided to go for a self-healing archer in the 2nd position.


  • Round 2 - as you can see both teams have lost their initial tanks and are now relying on their off-tanks to do the heavy lifting.

  • Round 3 - Both off tanks are still alive, however, our MVP the GOBLIN PSYCHIC has managed to apply Affliction onto the enemy Monster - no more self-healing or healing from the back-line healer for it this game. This basically turns the tide 100% in my favor.

  • Round 4 - after the fall of the off-tank, the opponent has no chance but to watch helplessly while their monsters fall one by one

  • Round 5 - the sweep up continues and my Earth Splinter setup takes a well-deserved victory 😀

In conclusion I would like to once more emphasize on the importance of the Goblin Psychic in the "modern" Earth Splinter line-up. It is really a great tool in the Earth arsenal. He only grows in power with each level milestone so he is surely a great investment.

GhostlyBG, over and out


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