Share your battle! Theme: Dragons


Hi guys, this is my first Share Your Battle post.

The battle I chose to participate with is nothing special but is indicative of the times I choose to go include a dragon (or two) in my line-up, namely when the mana restriction is 40+ or even better 99. 😜

My line-up is the following:

- I chose Quix the Devious since he is one of the two summoners I have available who enable me to use dragons. Besides I got him from packs yesterday and he is still a novelty.
- Cursed Windeku is the standard tank for Death at least at my level of play (Silver) and I basically always use it as a tank unless the ruleset does not allow it.

- Djinn Muirat is another card I got yesterday so I am still eager to use it every time the mana pool allows it, and when it makes sense, of course - which is always 😁 basically having in mind his abilities, void armor in particular. It makes it a very tanky caster card.
- Chaos Dragon is the bad boy (or girl) which I also got yesterday, and have been excited to use in order to obliterate my enemies, any chance I get (which is whenever I get to have a ton of mana, as previously explained). He/she has flying, scattershot and a ton of health plus some armor, which also make him/her a perfect candidate to not only wreak havoc behind enemy lines but also take more "Scorpion" bolts in the body than any GoT dragon ever did.
- Silent Sha-vi is basically the older and much chunkier brother of the undead badger so it is as disruptive for the enemy backline but also takes a bit more beating. A good fit whenever the mana allocation allows it.
- Magi Necrosi is a card I often include in my line-ups since it has Snipe and Camouflage, so it basically does as great of a job as Vasily Zaitsev in Enemy at the Gates.. Beware the invisible snipers! 😝
- Undead Badger is a card I like to use a lot since it has Sneak and is at a very low mana cost, which makes it a valuable addition for spare spots at any mana range.

Here is the Battle itself.

Dragons are mythical creatures which have captivated the imagination of people for millennia. I've also enjoyed the way dragons have been portrayed in a variety of fantasy worlds from LotR through GoT and The Witcher to WoW, and, of course, Splinterlands (and thousands of others). The message has always been loud and clear though --> don't mess with large fire-breathing creatures of very high intelligence. 😉

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