


A new week, a new Share Your Battle Challenge. This time we will get to revisit the Death Splinter and its denizens. I really enjoy playing the Death Splinter even though a lot of people would say that it is not that great at least as far as its Chaos Legion version goes. However, I do think playing Death is pretty fun even if you are someone like me who has only Thaddius at their disposal. But enough about the Splinter, let's talk about our protagonist this week - the Life Sapper. It is one of the Death Splinter Monsters which I play quite frequently. It can totally make a difference if given enough time to build itself up.

Now before we get into the stats discussion of the Sapper, let's have a sneak peek into its LORE.

So Life Sappers are neither alive nor dead but what I found most interesting is that alive half is actually alive and well. I wonder how that works... 🤓


Alright, we've got some idea of what an Life Sapper is, after glancing at its lore. Let us have a look at its stats and abilities at different key levels now.


  • The Life Sapper is a Rare Monster. At level 1 it has 1 Magic Attack, 2 Speed, 0 Armor and 2 Health but most importantly it starts off with the Life Leech (Monster's health increases each time it damages an enemy Monster's health in proportion to the damage dealt) ability. This is its signature ability and it is what makes this Monster totally worth its mana cost of 3.
  • At level 4 (max for Silver) it gains an additional point in Magic Attack for a total of 2 but at the same time it actually loses 1 health point compared to level 3. It is actually a pretty good trade-off having in mind it makes up for that pretty quickly thanks to Life Leech.
  • Finally, maxed out at level 8 it has 2 attack, 4 speed, and 4 health. It also gains an additional ability which could also make a difference depending on the situation - Redemption (when this Monster dies, it does 1 damage to all enemy monsters).
    Now that we know what the card does (or doesn't do) at the different levels of play, let us have a look at the battle I have chosen to showcase.


  • The line-up of the Battle and the Ruleset:


The ruleset for this battle are Fog of War (Monsters lose the Sneak and Snipe abilities) and Lost Legendaries (Legendary Monsters may not be used in battles). The mana budget is 30 which is only slightly higher than average but definitely does not allow for the player to choose whatever they want so some planning has to go into line-up. The available Splinters are: All but Life. I am obviously going to choose the Death Splinter as I want to showcase this week's Monster, and my faithful level 6 Thaddius.



The main tank for this battle will be my favorite Death tank - the Cursed Windeku. It has a perfect stat balance for the 6 mana it costs, pair that with the Thorns ability it has right from the start and the Heal ability it gains at level 5, and you have a truly potent tanking Monster, especially when facing low-mana, low-health melee opponents.



Following immediately after the Cursed Windeku is the Riftwing. My thinking here is that if I happen to lose the Windeku prematurely the evasiveness of the Riftwing can still buy my team some time to regroup by protecting the backline.



The 3rd place in the line-up goes to the star of the week - the Life Sapper. I have placed it in this position because I think I will give it enough time to gain some health and take a hit or two if it happens to end up at the front spot sooner than expected.



The 4th spot is for the Revealer. It has grown on me with time ever since it was released and I actually used it quite often now with my Death line-ups. Stun could be a total game-changer if when applied in the right moment.



5th in the line-up is the Soul Strangler. I have it in this spot since I will be receiving a lot more damage from the front rather than the back as Sneak is banned for this match-up. The Soul Strangler is a very potent ranged attack unit with its 4 attack and just 3 mana cost.



Last but definitely not least is the Magi Necrosi. It's a powerful caster with 3 magic attack, paired with the snipe ability (although Snipe is disabled in this particular battle). It also has Camouflage which means that it will be the last Monster on my side of the board which will be attacked so this gives it a lot of time to attack without any interruption.


It is time for a quick round by round analysis:

  • The Summoner I am going with for the battle (as I have already mentioned) is Thaddius. It is a Gold 2 level battle. My opponent has decided to go with a level 3 Quix. Playing against Quix is unfortunate for our friend - the Soul Strangler as Quix nerfs its damage but thankfully I do not have any other Ranged Attackers.


  • After 1 round of exchanging blows I have lost my Cursed Wendiku but the opponent's Djinn Chwala is about to die and also stunned. My Riftwing has taken the responsibility to act as the Main Tank for as long as possible.


  • Round 3 begins with the obvious fact that I have gained huge momentum in Round 2, so the battle is more or less over at this point.


  • Round 4 is upon us and the only thing left for my team to do is to deal with the lonely Merdaali Guardian left on my opponent's side of the board.


The Life Sapper is a great Ranged Attacker for the Death Splinter. It can make a difference in a battle, especially a prolonged one, since the more turns it takes to attack, the bigger (in terms of health) it gets. The Life Sapper is currently valued at $0.17 per BCX, which is actually a fair price for such a good Rare Monster. I would definitely include it in my must-buy list if I did not have it already.

GhostlyBG, over and out


You can check out some other stuff from my recent Splinterlands blogging venture:

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