Investing in a Changing Meta - Chaos Legion is Coming!


Anyone playing or following Splinterlands should know that there is a huge event coming up this week - the launch of the Chaos Legion expansion. We'll have a whole new set of cards to play with and to buy. I'm sure that many of us are very excited to unpack the new set, and for anyone who is looking to bulk up their collection in the coming weeks, here are a few things to keep in mind in order to maximize your Splinterlands returns.

Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor, this article provides my opinions and may or may not be correct. Please do your own due diligence before investing (in Chaos Legion, or elsewhere).


Form Your Own Opinions

Peter Lynch said "Buy what you know", and that is solid advice - when determining whether to invest in more packs, single cards, or currencies, don't just take other people's word that certain items will be good or bad.

When it comes to Chaos Legion specifically, look at card abilities and stats and decide for yourself whether people will want to use them. If you think they are. then they may be worth picking up. Remember that cards can see a wide range of use across different levels - from maxed out at the top of the leaderboard all the way down to basic cards in Bronze.

Take Advantage of Opportunities

Once you have done your research and come up with your investment thesis, keep an eye on the markets. The set is new for everyone and there will be different theories on what the new meta will be. Not familiar with a meta? Take a look at my recent article on it here!

Then, keep checking your buying platform of choice. Peakmonsters, Monster Market, and Card Auctionz are all linked at the top of the market page in-game and offer much better interfaces than the basic in-game one. If you see cards that the market has underpriced, don't be afraid to buy some (or a bunch) of them. Though, with that said...

Invest Within Your Means

Remember that just ~1 million Chaos Legion packs (1,001,127 to be exact) will be available to open on December 8th. In other words, just under 7% of the Chaos Legion cards that will be "printed" can potentially be on the market.

If you see a card at a good price then by all means, go ahead and buy it, but don't forget that a good card at a bad (i.e., too high) price is still a poor investment. And also, if you actively play on the ladder, remember to keep enough of a DEC cushion to be able to maintain your own rentals!

Finally remember that, depending on your goals here, this is either a speculative investment or a game. Taking out loans or running up the credit card debts? Nope nope nope.

Be Open to Alternative Investments

I don't mean real estate here (though that is also a possibility!), I'm talking about not limiting yourself to purchasing Chaos Legion assets. As an example, if everyone rushes to buy CL cards, there may be good deals on older sets. Or if everyone dumps SPS in order to purchase more packs, it may be a good time to get a bargain on SPS.

Thank you so much for reading all the way to the end. Interested in seeing some more of my writing in the future? Be sure to give me a follow! In the meantime, if you'd like to see some of my recent posts:

Thinking about giving Splinterlands a try but haven't signed up yet? Feel free to use my referral link, and be sure to reach out to me if you have any questions!

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