How Much Can You Earn? DEC Gains in Each Splinterlands League

A common question I see in Splinterlands chat is "How much DEC do you win playing in xxx league?" While the exact number of DEC you get per win in each league changes over the course of the season (or even the day) and depends on a number of bonus factors (win streak, alpha/promo/gold use, guild bonus, etc.), the relative amounts of DEC per win across the different leagues has a consistent relationship.

In other words, if you know how much DEC you are earning in your current league, then you can determine how much you would be winning if you were in a different league instead. Warning - there is a bit of math ahead, if you would rather just see the summary, there is a TL;DR at the bottom.


Here is a table with all of the relevant data. There are a lot of numbers, but don't worry - we'll get to what all of them mean!

For starters, the first two columns are each league, and the average rating in each league. Note that for the purposes of this calculation we will be assuming that you are playing within the league rating range, and will therefore have a rating around the midpoint of the league. Bronze III doesn't earn DEC so we're leaving it out, and Champion I and II have the same CP requirements as Champion III so we're also leaving those out.

League Rewards.png

The third column is the cube of the average rating for each league. DEC gains scale with the cube of your rating (source - October Splinterlands Update). The actual number in this column doesn't mean much, but it helps us calculate the fourth column, which is very important.

The fourth column is the multiplier - the amount of base DEC (i.e., before bonuses or ECR adjustment) you gain relative to the Bronze II level. For example, on average Bronze I earns 3.69 times the DEC of Bronze II and Silver III earns 9.14 times as much DEC than Bronze II. We get this column by dividing the cubes of each rating by the Bronze II rating cubed.

The fifth and last column is the percentage increase in rewards moving between leagues. It isn't doesn't mean a whole lot in a vacuum, but it lets you make comparisons about moving between leagues. For example, I found it interesting that you more than double your earnings by moving from Bronze I to Silver III. This last column can be helpful if you are considering moving up in leagues - try and estimate how much it will cost you to move up, and see if your potential increased gains are worth it!


For every 1 DEC you earn in Bronze II, you could be earning...

...3.69 DEC in Bronze 1
...9.14 DEC in Silver III
...18.32 DEC in Silver II
...32.21 DEC in Silver I
...51.78 DEC in Gold III
...78.00 DEC in Gold II
...111.85 DEC in Gold I

Are you interested in a higher league than Gold? Take a look back at the table above! (I'm trying to keep the TLDR short here...)

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