Summary and Lessons from My Second Season in Splinterlands


This past season was my second full season playing Splinterlands, and the first one in which I tried to move beyond the Bronze II level. This post is a summary of how the season went, as well as some of the important things I learned along the way.

What Went Well

If you're curious what my Splinter Stats were, you can take a look here. I spent approximately 2/3 of the season playing and renting in Silver III, though I did end at a Silver I rating. For the most part I was able to cover my cost of rentals and make a modest profit off of DEC wins from playing. Moving up from Bronze to Silver was a dramatic improvement in daily reward chests, and I would strongly recommend that anyone with a high enough rating to do the same.

This next one doesn't have anything to do with skill or strategy, but my end of season chests were also great - 2 epics and a combined total of 240 CP (not to mention a bit of bonus DEC) was an excellent pull and really made the end of my season.


Finally, I kept on blogging! My posts have been a little hit or miss, but my article on end of season renting was a big hit. I have been having mild RC issues and hopefully once I get some of the payouts then that will not be a problem anymore.

What Went Poorly

I made some missteps with rentals early on by at first renting before I was able to keep a higher rating, and then also overpaying later for my Collection Power. This severely cut into my DEC profits.

I also noticed that the competition was much tougher once I moved up to silver - there were a lot more legendaries (looking at you, Oshannus!) and levelled up cards, while I was working with a level 1 deck and the odd legendary or two that my autorent happened to pick up. It is tougher (though not impossible) to win when your deck is worse than everyone else's!

Lessons and Improvements for Next Season

There are a few changes I will be making in the new season based on the lessons I learned this time around, mostly rental related:

  1. Don't rush to rent CP before you are sure that you can stay in the higher league. All the CP does nothing if you can't earn more DEC with it.
  2. Don't overpay for CP, every DEC you pay in rent is a DEC you won't have in profit at the end of the day. Rental costs can eat you alive, keep them as low as possible.
  3. Focus on obtaining cards which will help you to win, not just ones with good Collection Power. Higher winrate leads to higher rating, leads to more frequent and also higher DEC payouts.

That's all I've got for today, hope you all have a great start to the new season! If you are interested in any more of my writing, here are a couple of my recent posts:

End of Season Renting in Splinterlands - a guide to end of season rentals (also linked in the article above).

Navigating a Splinterlands Season - tips on different parts of the season, based in part on my own mistakes.

Thinking about giving Splinterlands a try but haven't signed up yet? Feel free to use my referral link, and be sure to reach out to me if you have any questions!

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