¿Saben lo que les ocurrió? Yo se los voy a contar…


Estos dos perritos, hembra y varón (Coquito y Luna, respectivamente). Son del Estado La Guaira/Venezuela, ubicado en la región costera, al norte del estado Miranda y la capital de Venezuela (Caracas).

Su dueño es Ángel, un chico de 40 años de edad cronológica, pero de apenas 15 años de edad mental, su madre tuvo un embarazo de alto riesgo, (ella tenía 42 años) con reposo absoluto durante 7 meses en cama, con 8 meses de embarazo la madre dio a luz y los médicos no le daban mucha esperanza de vida al bebé.

Gracias a Dios si se salvó, pero con el pasar de los años se notaba con muchas limitaciones, sus primeras palabras las dijo a los 3 años, caminó a los 4 años, y solo pudo estudiar hasta 6to grado de educación media.

Sus padres tienen una churuata a la orilla de la playa donde ofrecen pescado frito, mariscos, tostones, agua, refrescos, cervezas, entre otras cosas. Se llevaban a Ángel desde pequeño para el negocio y cuando culminó su 6to grado le asignaron un sueldo (de motivación) para que trabajara con ellos como mesonero, ofreciendo sus servicios por toda la orilla de la playa.

Él siempre se mostró tímido y casi no hablaba, ya que es tartamudo y la mayoría de las veces se burlaban de él… su rostro casi siempre era de tristeza.

Éste es Ángel


Un buen día (fin de semana) fueron la familia del papá a la churuata, la abuela Guillermina, el tío Pedro y la tía Cecilia, llegaron con dos cachorros, Ángel estaba como un muchachito de 6 años, fascinado con ellos, jugando y corriendo por la playa.

Al rato la abuela Guillermina, lo llama y le dice: “Ángel esos cachorros son tuyos, yo ya estoy vieja y tus tíos trabajan todo el día, ellos necesitan de alguien que los cuide, les dé mucho amor y estoy segura que tú eres la persona indicada".


La cara de Ángel era un poema, no sabía si llorar, reír, gritar… pero en fin abrazó fuertemente a su abuela, dándole las gracias y afirmando, así será abuela yo los cuidare y los protegeré siempre (que casi se le entendía con su lenguaje limitado).

La señora les preguntó a los padres, si permitían tener a estos dos nuevos integrantes en su casa y ellos estuvieron de acuerdo y dieron su aprobación.

La verdad que desde ese momento la vida de aquel muchacho cambió rotundamente, ya no era ese chico con cara de tristeza, en La medida de sus posibilidades le compraba comida, juguetes y ropas coquetas a sus perritos que él llamaba hijos.

Pasaron muchos años y la convivencia en casa fue genial con los nuevos integrantes, pero la situación en Venezuela se puso dura y la hermana de Angel, Yoli que vive en una Isla en España llamada Tenerife, propuso llevárselo, para mejorar su calidad de vida.

Arreglaron todo y su hermana le compró el pasaje para Tenerife. El chico por un lado estaba contento de ver y pasar un tiempo con su hermana, pero por otro lado le invadía un terrible dolor de dejar a sus dos perritos. Se los encomendó mucho a sus padres y emprendió su viaje.


Pasaron unos meses y los perritos comenzaron a enfermarse, a pesar de que los padres de Ángel los cuidaban, el amor no era el mismo al que le daba su dueño.

Ángel todos los días preguntaba por sus perros y los padres nunca le dijeron que estaban tristes y enfermos. Pasó el tiempo y ya los perritos no querían ni comer.

Un día amaneció muerto en el patio Coquito y a los 3 días falleció Luna, aunque no visitaron a un veterinario (por falta de recursos económicos) es obvio que murieron de tristeza.

Actualmente Ángel se encuentra aun con su hermana en Tenerife, sus padres no le han querido dar la noticia, ya que allá goza de buena salud tanto física como mental, tiene paz y tranquilidad.



Ahora si me despido amigos de esta hermosa Comunidad, deseándoles pasen un feliz fin de semana y agradecida por el tiempo que se tomaron para leer esta publicación…

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Do you know what happened to them? I'm going to tell you?


These two dogs, female and male (Coquito and Luna, respectively). They are from La Guaira State/Venezuela, located in the coastal region, north of Miranda State and the capital of Venezuela (Caracas).

Their owner is Angel, a boy of 40 years of chronological age, but only 15 years of mental age, his mother had a high risk pregnancy, (she was 42 years old) with absolute bed rest for 7 months, with 8 months of pregnancy the mother gave birth and the doctors did not give much hope of life to the baby.

Thank God he was saved, but as the years went by he had many limitations, he spoke his first words at the age of 3, walked at the age of 4, and was only able to study up to the 6th grade of high school.

His parents have a hut on the shore of the beach where they offer fried fish, seafood, tostones, water, soft drinks, beer, among other things. They took Angel since he was a child for the business and when he finished 6th grade they assigned him a salary (motivation) to work with them as a waiter, offering his services all along the beach shore.

He was always shy and hardly ever spoke, as he is a stutterer and most of the time he was made fun of... his face was almost always sad.

This is Angel


One fine day (weekend) the father's family went to the churuata, grandmother Guillermina, uncle Pedro and aunt Cecilia, arrived with two puppies, Angel was like a little boy of 6 years old, fascinated with them, playing and running along the beach.

After a while, grandmother Guillermina called him and said: "Angel those puppies are yours, I am already old and your uncles work all day long, they need someone to take care of them, give them lots of love and I am sure you are the right person".


Angel's face was a poem, he didn't know whether to cry, laugh, scream... but in the end he hugged his grandmother tightly, thanking them and affirming, that's how it will be, grandma, I will always take care of you and protect you (which was almost understood with his limited language).

The lady asked the parents if they would allow these two new members in their home and they agreed and gave their approval.

The truth is that from that moment the life of that boy changed completely, he was no longer that boy with a sad face, to the extent of his possibilities he bought food, toys and flirty clothes for his puppies that he called his children.

Many years passed and the coexistence at home was great with the new members, but the situation in Venezuela became hard and Angel's sister, Yoli, who lives on an island in Spain called Tenerife, proposed to take him with her, to improve his quality of life.

They arranged everything and his sister bought him the ticket to Tenerife. On the one hand the boy was happy to see and spend some time with his sister, but on the other hand he was in terrible pain to leave his two little dogs. He entrusted them to his parents and set off on his journey.


A few months went by and the dogs began to get sick, even though Angel's parents took care of them, the love was not the same as the love their owner gave them.

Angel asked about his dogs every day and his parents never told him that they were sad and sick. Time went by and the dogs did not even want to eat.

One day Coquito woke up dead in the yard and 3 days later Luna died, although they did not visit a veterinarian (due to lack of economic resources) it is obvious that they died of sadness.

Currently Angel is still with his sister in Tenerife, his parents have not wanted to give him the news, because there he enjoys good health both physically and mentally, he has peace and tranquility.



Now I say goodbye friends of this beautiful Community, wishing you a happy weekend and grateful for the time you took to read this publication...

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