
In a heartbeat they all appear at Breya's workplace which is the military base. Uniform men and women surrounded them quickly in a defensive mood until Breya raised her hands to identify herself. Afterwards, the injured ones among the tactical team began to receive medical attention and Fabien was in good care too. Breya, Freyja and some top military officers went away to put heads together to work on a plan to bring down the Wendigos to their knees and make the city safe again.

Colonel Jason, a man who had been Breya's boss for a few years now, asked if Freyja can tell them more about the Wendigos, how they operate, what they are made of and how they can bring them down.

"It's a long story but Freyja will tell what you what you should know about them" Breya said after she had told them all that had happened the past few hours.

Everyone in the room prepared for the worst because as of now the military is the only line of defense for the state. The Police Station's operations had been crippled down by the Wendigos killing lots of men and women who have devoted their lives to serve and protect the city. So Freyja took a deep breath and said,

"When I created the Wendigos, I used my blood, summoned all the power of my coven sisters and black magic but I never knew that mixing black magic with pure magic gives birth to evil, disaster and chaos. The purpose of creating them was to protect us from a strong coven of warlocks who were in pursuit of our pure magic to use for their evil intentions. Immediately I discovered the Wendigos were killing my sisters instead of protecting them. I went in search of them to destroy them, but I was too late because they had already killed all my sisters and it was a massacre. Before the warlock coven could come to collect my coven's magic, I quickly summoned all their powers and magic into the emerald stone attached to my forehead as a sign of leadership".

"So you mean this stone on your forehead contains the magic and powers of your coven sisters?" Breya asked.

"Yes and it can't be used by another person who is not a descendant or part of my coven; rather the stone will be redundant and useless." Freyja said in response to Breya's question.

"How do we destroy them, we need to stop them before they everybody in this city dies" Col Jason asked anxiously.

Freyja smiled and said "I am not of this time, I should be dead and the only way for you to destroy this Wendigos is if you allow me to train Breya in our way of magic. She is the only one strong enough to destroy them. My power has depleted because I used it to keep them in a deep sleep for hundreds of years before your scientists found my tomb."

"What do you mean? Why is that? Can't you pick another one here in this room?" Col Jason asked

Freyja replied, "It has to be Breya because she is my direct descendant and our magic flows in her veins which she is yet to harness. So, may we start then or should I keep answering more of your questions?"

Col Jason raised a brow and said "Alright then. On our side, I will prepare our best men and women for this battle" he said as he walked out of the room with others leaving behind Breya and Freyja alone.

Breya looked nervous as she continued to sway in her chair, weighing her options and thinking of how her life will be changed in a few minutes.

"So Breya, are you ready to learn the old ways of the Raven Odin clan?" Freyja asked, cutting through Breya's thoughts.

"Uhm, yes how do I start?" Breya asked.

Freyja slightly smiled and said, "Well it is simple. You and I have to travel into the spirit realm to awaken you aurora which will unlock your magic"

"Okay! Let's put an end to this chaos!" Breya said.

Freyja seals the room with magical web cobs ropes so they won't be disturbed. Then she asks Breya to be on her feet. She then puts one of her palms down on Breya's chest hitting her with a force that separates her spirit man from her body and both of them travel into the spirit world. The spirit world looked plain, with no colour to it and the tiniest sounds echoed a thousand times in an eerie nature. There was no brightness to it, it was all grey.

Breya looks around only for her to see where she had grown up, a catholic church. As she began to walk aimlessly towards the church, Freyja's strong voice came through to her.

"Breya, listen to my voice and turn around"

Breya turned around to behold a corsucating electric blue light which was almost blinding because she couldn't see beyond the light.



If you missed previous parts here they are part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4 and part 5

Image created by me using Canva.
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Ghost image
Sad woman

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