
As Daniel continue the story he said, "We inspected her body when all of sudden our gadgets picked up high thermal energy along with vibrations and then she opened her eyes. They were white as snow and glassy. She began to chant some words in a language none of our linguistic team recognize as she floated to her feet in a quick movement".

"How in the hell did that happen?"Breya said bewildered.

"We saw anger written all over her face but still she was the most beautiful being I had ever set my eyes on, with skin, softly shining like polished bronze. We were all lost in awe of her beauty as she began to squeeze out our necks just with a wave of her hand. As we were struggling for our lives, our tactical team came in and shot her down with a heavy dosage of tranquilizers."

"And then what happened?" Fabien asked with anticipation written all over his face.

Daniel continued, "After she had passed out from the tranquilizers, we arranged for transportation to our lab at DUSAL(Discovery of Unseen Science And Labs) for all that was in the cave and including the seven coffins. After two months of studying the seven coffins and the Witch, we discovered that the bodies in those coffins were Wendigosand the Witch was the one who created them with black magic."

"So you're saying she created those monsters? And for what reasons? How were we able to communicate with her?" Breya asked as she was mystified by all she had heard.

"Actually we got to communicate with her well when one of our linguists discovered the language she spoke which was old Norse. She told us she created the Wendigos to be the Guardians and keeper of her coven but black magic went wrong and she ended up creating monsters that only listen to her when the emerald embedded in her forehead beams with her magical powers. So she sacrifice herself to be entombed with them for eternity but being entombed with them sucked away her magical powers as the years passed by".

Breya interrupted Daniel, "So you mean to tell me she was like a battery that sustained the submission of those monsters for years?"

"Exactly" Daniel said.

Then Fabien asked "How were the Wendigos unleashed?"

Daniel Sighed, "The Witch came down with a flu some few days after and that was when the Wendigos awakened and set free. When they escaped they killed 50% of the staff and destroyed many of our equipment".

"Where is the Witch now, is she still alive or dead?" Breya asked.

"She is in a secure facility in our company in a deep sleep. We couldn't figure out what went wrong, but I think she is connected to Breya somehow." Daniel said as a trickle of sweat drop from his temple.

Alarmed by what Daniel she asked, "What do you mean by that?!"

"Both of you have the same oval mark with inscriptions inside it on your necks. I noticed it when the Wendigo that attacked us early grabbed you." Daniel replied

"What?! That can't be true! I don't believe you! I have to see this for myself" Breya said as she began to get nervous of what had been revealed.

Daniel looked at Breya and said, "I am sorry but it is the truth and I can take you to where she is, so you can verify the markings yourself".

Breya and Fabien agree to Daniel's suggestion. They reported what Daniel had told them to their superior in command so they could find a way to put an end to the nightmare happening in the city and also find out what was going on. Some many dots yet to be connected.


If you missed the previous parts here they are; Part 1 and part 2

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