Holozing Healers Revealed


Images Logo Sources owned by Holozing- Modified by @saydie

Hi there! It's me @saydie and once again, I'm here to make another post for Holozing which is an upcoming game on Hive and for this content, I want to talk about the just recently revealed Healers for they will play such a vital role in this upcoming game.

Healers will provide a very important role in the game of Holozing, being the humanoid characters that will train the monsters that we will be using in battles. They have their own stats and skills which can impact the outcome of the battle mostly though healing the monsters that they trained but there were also more advanced skills that can either give buffs and debuffs on monsters. Using skills use mana though which does not fully recharge between battles so players needs to be wise on when and where to use skills. Now comes the first batch of healers. Their stats and skills have yet to be disclosed for now but it was said that they all have basically the same stats and what would differentiate them will be the items and accessories that they have so for the mean time, I'm just gonna made some assumptions on how each of the would be but I will probably get most wrong so feel free to look back on this after the game was launched and laugh at me.


Holozing Healers

Forest Healer

Elementforest2.png Forest
Creature SynergyGrass

The first one is a female character for the forest healer. When it comes to appearance, it has a mature look on it and looks like it's brimming with knowledge, much like of an older sister character that can teach you many things.

It has great synergy when using Grass and Bug creatures and assuming its skills, it probably have buffs that would increase the defense of the creatures and for opponent debuffs, I think it would have skills that would inflict poison to them. I could imagine that a team with a Forest Healer will be strong against Ocean Healer Team with Water and Ice Creatures while weak on teams with Light Healer using Fire and Electric Creatures.


Ocean Healer


ElementOcean1.png Ocean
Creature SynergyWater

Following through, we got a Male character for the Ocean Healer. It has a serious look on its cold blue eyes much like the very definition of cool.

It has great synergy with Water and Ice type creatures and assuming of its skills, it can have buffs which will boost speed to be able to attack faster that the opponent or it can also have stun that would prevent the target creature to attack for a turn. I think, it's the best counter against Light Healers that uses Fire creatures for we use water to stop fire from spreading but it would find it hard to fight against Light Healers that uses Electric type creatures as they will just conduct Electric attacks and on Forest Healers that uses Grass type creatures.


Light Healer


Creature SynergyFire

For the last Healer, we got another female character for the Light Healer which when got a very angelic face by which many people already say that it was their favorite.

It has great synergy when using Fire and Electric creatures. For skills, it could have abilities that could boost the attack of the creatures or gives them critical then use skills with damage over time (DOT) effects. Light Healer with Fire creatures will be weak against Ocean Healers that uses either Water or Ice creatures but it can fight them if it uses Electric creatures. Both Fire and Electric creatures should have an advantage when Fighting Forest Healers of either Grass of Bug Types.


And that was my take on the following healers. Overall, their art was very great and it will be exciting how they would change when when they get items and accessories in the future. As I said, this were just my assumptions and could all be wrong so we still need to see how it will play when the game was launched. I also am not sure whether the crest on each healers were the logo that the game will use for each element but I still made an icon based on each and intergrade it with my previously made dividers. I only made minor modifications for now until I get certain that they will be the official icons to be used but they still turned out decent and of course, they were also free to use by the community.

That was all for this post. Thank you and see you at the next one!

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Free to Use Holozing Dividers: Contribution to the Community

I am not a financial advisor and this is not a financial advice. Always DYOR and invest what you can afford to lose.

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