SUPPORT Japantown Restaurants, San Francisco

Yesterday, I forced myself to walk all the way from Market Street where to Japantown which is about 30 minutes away. The big commitment I know! Honestly, I didn't expect so many people would be in the area but turned out.. Dang!! I first thought it was a festival or something.

It's actually a bunch of restaurant booths outside with their menu waiting for customers to order or pick-up food since the Japan mall is closed and they can't operate as usual. Walking closer to the venue, it's such a mix feeling but mostly, sad somewhat.

Support Japantown Restaurants

Many big businesses are closed down or pause their operation. I can't imagine how hard small businesses need to do to keep up.





Funny enough, at night when I was browsing social media, this came up. An Instagram story by my old boss in Vancouver, Canada who runs a big Thai restaurant in Downtown, Vancouver.

He mentioned how thankful you should be to still have a job these days and how you should appreciate your boss for doing such a work to still keep the business running so that you still have that job and income.

Nijiya Market

The only businesses that are doing so good these days are perhaps those supermarkets and grocery stores. No matter where you are, I think it's pretty much the same situation. See how hard those restaurants trying to get customers to keep their business running. Now see how long is the line to get into this Japanese Market. I was actually going to be one of those people in line until I saw the line (It went beyond that green parking sign) and I said, 'F*** that'.


I supported a small Korean business

Indeed, I did! Since I got to San Francisco, I have been eating and shopping from this small Korean grocery store. I love their homemade food! I really wanted Japanese this time but after the line I saw, man, I'm back to Korea! #lol


Support small businesses near you!

Support yourself first though :D

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