10'000 hours.

It takes 10’000 hours of practice to master a skill.

That is 3 hours a day for 10 years.

If I look at it this way, I am not there yet.

But are 10’000 hours my goal?

Rather a side product.

One day I’ll look back at my sewing history and notice that is has been 10years and something around 10’000 hours.

Maybe I’ll get to that realization while I pin some fabric, readjusting the wedding dress my model is wearing. Todays photo shoot takes place in the 16th century french castle that I have been living and working in over the past few months. My first complete collection of wedding dresses is about to launch.

That’s the long therm vision.

What about each little step on the way?

While I believe that we shouldn’t be afraid or hinder ourselves to dream big. The only thing you really can influence is the present. One stitch at the time.

2023 I spend cycling and sewing. Each road represents a seam on another garment.

My favourite project reunites the two.

But maybe I should say, it resumes the whole journey of this year.

Cycling from France to Istanbul, while keeping little sewing projects in my pockets.

Learning and establishing the patience and skill to sew by hand. All the way to choosing hand sewing over the machine.

Experimenting with photoshoots exploring different ways to present my work. Finding satisfaction in the results and excitement in the process, which once was the one thing terrifying me.

The inspiration, exchange and support through sharing my projects here and following yours! Which even brought two of us to meet and sew together, in person.

Visiting all the different second hand shops, fabric stores in unknown countries. Inspired by the way people dress similar and completely different.

The start of a feeling, a glimpse. Did I just find the one thing?

One project that reunites them all.

My favourite captures of the year.

Flowers and gold.

Precious sewing company.

A newer ending road in front of me. This year she brought me to Istanbul. Which way will I take in 2024? I carefully set my foot on the doorstep, well knowing that I couldn’t guess the turns I’ll take. Looking forward to the surprise. One stitch at the time until I’ll look back one day and count 10’000 hours.

Thanks for stopping by, have a lovely Monday and an even better year ahead!

All photos and words are my own taken and written by myself ©kesityu

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