Flowers in the fields - an ongoing upcycling project.

How linear is your closet?

What do I mean by that?

In which ways are your clothes flowing? In and out? Back again? In a circle?

A straight line seems to be the most effective way these days and maybe therefore gets chosen most often. There is a start and a finish line, and they are both well defined. Even the points in between do not let much room for error. That’s what I mean by linear.

And how would that work in a closet?

The clothes get produced, you buy them, you store them, the lucky ones get worn often and some don’t even make it into the streets. Sooner or later, you decide to get rid of them is it a hole, falling apart or just a change of your mood? The journey ends in the bin.

Maybe in the recycle bin, which would add a curve to the line. The piece of clothing might get reused, resold, redistributed.

How about a circle?

The term “circular fashion” appeared in the corners of my eyes while strolling through the internet. Interesting!

The easiest circle I can imagine is just to pick up those clothes and reuse them. Upcycle them, give them another life, another chance. I might as well do that by reselling them in a flea market.

Weather I want to be creative, work with my hands or not. Inventing another circle and another direction to take in this linear journey.

How many circles could we take?

Or how many new lifes can I give to one piece of garment?

Since I am already into upcycling, and because we always want more of everything, I was wondering; how many times could I upcycle the same garment?

This question appeared to me while I am unpicking seams of a flower-printed leggings.

I am unpicking the seams.

Getting the rubber waits band out.

What association does that bright flower pattern bring up in you?




The neckline will be between the legs.

I go for V, even though I prefer round.

But I want to try something different this time.

Sometimes it takes many approaches until a garment really fits you.

You could be lucky. Buy it, wear it and it becomes your new favourite, all matching piece for the next 7years.

Or you buy it, knowing that it won’t fit you yet. Must shorten it, widen it, lose weight first.

Maybe you sew the piece all together and only realize after wearing it once or twice, that there are still adjustments to make and gaps to fix. It didn’t turn out that perfect in the first round.

And maybe you buy leggings on a flea market. Because for some reason the pattern is unique and crazy enough to catch your eye. But then it takes you days to figure out whether you will wear them as such (leggings) or turn them into a top. After that you will take them on an upcycling journey, wear them as a top for a while…

…playing “flower inbetween the grass”.

Why stop there, why not adding another circle? Another upcycle? In how many different ways could I wear that same piece of clothing?

Now, how linear is your closet? And how many circles can you add to the life of one garment?

Thank you all for stopping by, all your support and comments are much appreciated, have a lovely week!

All photos and words are mine, written and taken by me. Part of my inspiration for thoughts used here are coming from here with @clareartista and here with @honeydue thanks for the inspiration;).

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