1 project 8 countries.

An upcycling project started in France carried on through several countries, and finished in Turkey.

If the definition of slow fashion is, how much of a (hi)story a garment has, this two piece is a very slow piece of fashion.

What’s the story?

On a Sunday morning somewhere in June, I stroll around in a small and familiar flea-market in France somewhere on the banks of the Loire river.
My intentions are to just watch and see, observing people as much as all the objects praised fro sale. On the other hand I am on the hunt for sunglasses and leggings or any other leg-wear.

Still to my surprise, I mostly find what I am looking for.

The leggings are covered in a pattern, that my younger self would have already loved when I was still in Kindergarten. My “adult” self still sees no excuse of why I couldn’t wear such colourful pattern at any age. The only thing holding me back is usually the size. Since a lot of fun pattern-fabrics I encounter are only tailored to the size of six-years olds.

This one doesn’t seem to be, seems to fit. And they embark with me on my bicycle journey all the way to Turkey.

On the way I took some photos of the fabric in France. Invented some plans and designs for upcycles, that never took place.

Later I changed my mind, and didn’t want to reinvent the garment at all. Let them be leggings.

In Italy I re-changed my mind. On the side of a mountain river I cut a whole in the fabric and took chance of my overflowing inspiration to use the scene as my stage for some self portraits.

Somewhere else in Italy I started to cut the piece into a new shape. After which I proved myself in my hand sewing skills.

Rather satisfied with the result, I found the muse to sew a two piece. Lingerie? Swimwear? Or something in between?

For a while I just carried the fabric in my bags, wondering if I should not just get rid of it. Who has time to sew and cycle at the same time?

But I held on to the project. For the better or the worst, in the end it didn’t take up much space.

All the way up to Croatia, where I started to crochet along all the edges.

Followed by an even longer break in which I transported that unfinished project all the way to Turkey.

For the first time I have now more than a week of rest in a proper house. Plenty of time to realize that I am creatively starving for some needlework. And the lack of Turkish secondhand-shops but the overflow of inspiration makes me turn towards the only unfinished project I am still carrying around.

Here I am, 1 project and 8 countries later, wearing a flower two piece.

Thank you all for passing by, have a lovely Monday!

All photos and words are my own taken and written by me, as always.

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