Sewing by hand - a slow fashion project

Sometimes a project is all about the outcome, sometimes it is about the idea. And other times it is all about the process, the way and how you get to the end, if there even is one.

This project seems to be off the later category: all about the process.

For so long I am playing with the thought of sewing by hand. At times romanticising it and at times I just have a horror of it.

How long will it take me to sew all those seams by hand?

Before I even started the project, I am already discouraged by the extra time it would take me to do all the stitches by hand. Instead of just pressing the gas pedal of my sewing machine down and let the needle run through the lines, as fast as possible.

But if I am honest, I should really leave that same old impatience aside. Or at least accept it and move on.

Yes, whenever I am having an idea, I want to see the result immediately.

Yes, every minute I work on the new garment I am idealizing how wo wonderful it will be to wear it.

And yes, the process always takes longer than expected.

I don’t need to produce, do I? Then I can also enjoy the process for what it is!

After all that you might wonder why I even wanted to sew by hand. Because I did. And it is not only the circumstances (traveling by bike through Europe), which leave me with no other choice. Than to sew by hand or not sew at all.

The later isn’t an option.

Isn’t it funny how sometimes we really have to impose the choice on ourselves? And only if there is literally no other option left, well take the ways that we knew all along would be beneficial, better or healthier.

In that case talking about hand sewing. Which I wanted to focus more on since ages, but given the option of not sewing by hand but with the machine, I'll always choose the machine. The faster way.

What I like about sewing by hand, is the slowness and mindfulness of the process. Every stitch can become some sort of a meditation exercise. And little distraction is possible. You’ll have to focus on the essential.

Meanwhile fancy sewing machines and other tools, such as stitching machines, serigraphy printing, lots of fabric… you name it, could distract from the actual skill you need to acquire to complete a piece. All the extras, make me lose the focus on what really inspires me.

And if I take off all the distraction, I am left with sewing by hand, with limited amount of fabric, threads and buttons.

Since weeks I carry the same fabric around with me. Slowly making my way through its upcycling process, I turned it into a top at first.

Later I decided that I would love to make it a two piece. And that’s where I knew, that I would have to sew more than just a few stitches by hand, if I wanted to ever get there.

I did the cutting first, that was easy.

Using my favourite bottom to copy the pattern.

Trying on cut again and repeat, for the top.

After that everything went back into the bags...

...until I sat on that bench in front of a church. In a little town somewhere in Italy. It is the middle of the day and therefore unbearably hot, which means my brain isn’t able to think that much at all. How should I pass my time?

Is this really the right moment to sew? Shouldn’t I just relax?

Or maybe I should stop finding excuses!

My first stitches are coming along very clumsy and unregularly.

Deciding to go for a French-seam-style, which means I sew first on the “good” side and then fold in the seams and sew it together again. Which will hide the first seam.

Like that I have some more time to practice my stitches... my surprise and satisfaction, the top is already more of a two piece, than ever before.

There should be plenty of siestas to do so from now on. And now that I think of it, isn’t that the perfect romanticized picture of hand sewing in public. On a bench in the shade, overlooking a square, waiting for the heat to pass, one stitch at the time? Enjoying the process, moving slowly towards a result that doesn't really matter. Getting excited about all the different techniques I could try and learn along the way...

Thank you all to pass by once more and have a lovely week!

All photos and words are mine, written and taken by me in the last week.

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