New Skirt with Fabric from the African Festival / ガーナの布でロングスカート

During my recent stay in Berlin, there was an African festival near my hotel. I already wrote in a previous post to Actifit about purchasing some beautiful fabric from Ghana, but today I wanted to share what I made out of it.

I think my inspiration came from seeing the lovely clothing made with beautiful fabrics by @monica-ene on @needleworkmonday . For a long time, I’ve wanted to make a skirt with the bold colors and strong patterns of African prints. And wow, this fabric was just stunning!

The shop had so many fabrics to choose from—I could have stayed there for hours just by seeing fabrics 😊

After washing and drying the fabric, I quickly turned it into a skirt last evening. I wanted to keep the design simple to preserve the beautiful pattern and make it easy to turn into something else later if I change my mind.

I dug out the pattern for a long skirt I made years ago and realized it was from over four years ago! It was around the time of the Tron War on Steem blockchain and the beginning of the COVID-19 lockdown. I can't quite remember where the fabric came from—maybe it was from my stash? 😅

I found the old post where I mentioned it. I even listed it as one of my favorite makes of 2020. I still wear it a lot.

One of the challenges I faced was dealing with the fabric’s print, which wasn’t perfectly straight. If I had used the fabric in the usual direction, the pattern would have been very uneven, so I rotated it 90 degrees. I started cutting before I noticed this, so the side seams don’t match up. If my grandmother, who was a professional seamstress, were here, she would definitely point that out 😉 Next time I work with a similar fabric, I might try sewing a wider tube shape without changing the width at the waist or hem and simply put a elastic band on the waist.

I love this kind of pattern so much, and I’m already thinking about ways to improve the process for the next time. It’s a bit of a shame I wasted some fabric, so I don’t think there will be enough scraps to make a matching eco-bag. The fabric is also a bit too stiff for a Furoshiki.

Still, I’m very happy with how the skirt turned out. The vibrant colors and bold patterns really stand out. I plan to pair it with a black or white tank top or t-shirt and enjoy wearing it during the remaining days of summer.



Needlework Mondayで @monica-ene さんが素敵な布を使って洋服を作っているのをみたのがきっかけだと思います。長いことアフリカのビビットな色や力強い柄の布でスカートを縫いたいと思っていました。それにしても、何て美しいんだろう。

お店にはいろいろな布が売られていて、延々と見てられました 😊


以前作って愛用しているロングスカートの作り方を掘り出してきたら、もう4年以上前・・・!時期的にはTron Warの頃、ロックダウンが始まった頃です。布はどうしたのだろう、ストック?記憶がありません 😅





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