My best piece of the year 2020 / 今年作った洋服でもっともよかったもの

This year I didn't buy my clothes ... I sew some and knit some for me and my daughter.

One of the most practical item was this simple skirt with thick cotton and linen fabric. I can wear it all seasons. I sew a side with a pocket, attached a waist band, put elastic band inside, and sew the bottom. That's it! It was the "Simple is the best" piece.

Less waste everyday skirt

Talking about something practical, the big bag I sewed recently is also practical. It can host large things such as my pasta maker, which I cannot push into my back pack. Thanks to the thick fabric, I could lift up my daughter in the back ...

My new big bag / 新しいバッグ

The best out look piece was my daughter's sweater I knitted in the beginning of this year. My partner doesn't put it on her as he worries she may make it dirty. I wish she has more chance to wear it as cold January and February come soon 😁

My daughter's pullover 2

It's just part of my work in 2020. Thanks to Needlework Monday, I enjoy needle work more while being inspired by others' works and sharing my works. It's already 3 years since I joined Needlework Monday. Time flies!

I write about my needlework in detail here on Hive and I sometimes share ongoing ones on my Instagram:

I look forward to sewing/knitting practical and stylish pieces.

多分今年は洋服をまったく買いませんでした😅いくつか作ったものがあって、中でもとてもよくきたのがこのロングスカートでした。厚手の綿+リネンでオールシーズン着られます。ポケットをつけて脇を縫って、ウエストのベルトをつけてゴムを通すのみ。簡単に作れて生地の無駄がなくまさに「simple is the best」な一着でした。






他にもいろいろ作って、今年もよく編みよく縫いいい一年でした。Needlework Mondayのおげで作ったものをシェアしてほめてもらえて、他の方の作品空インスピレーションを得て、いっそう楽しかったです。2017年の秋から参加しているからもう3年も経ちます。


Needlework Monday is initiated by @crosheille and @crystalize. Now it has its own account @needleworkmonday. Thank you to the team for hosting this wonderful & fun weekly tag!

針仕事の月曜日は@crosheilleさんと@crystalizeさんが始めた月曜日の針仕事コミュニティーです。和気藹々針仕事の話題で盛り上がります。英語の投稿にヘルプが必要でしたら discord などでお気軽に声をかけてください。

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