In a beautiful village with rain-ravaged paddies.

Hi my fellow nature lovers,

What's up Hivers? I hope you are doing well with loving once. Heavy rains are falling continuously in many parts of Sri Lanka these days. As a result, most of the riverside areas are at risk of flooding and landslide warnings have been issued for mountain areas. It is also raining daily in the area where I live. In such a situation, I had to go to a rural area of our district this morning for a duty. It was still raining heavily when I went to Udugama. Therefore, my journey took a lot of time. Such is the behavior of nature. Sometimes severe drought conditions make it difficult to live without a drop of water. Sometimes it rains heavily and makes it scary to live in the house. This nature is common to humans as well as animals.


So I will take this opportunity to describe my feelings and the photos I took during this business trip. A few days ago, paddy cultivation was started in this village and these days the rice pods are being harvested. The people who own these paddy fields make a living by selling this crop. And some keep a portion for their own consumption. But unfortunately, due to the heavy rains, the canals that transport water to the paddy fields have overflowed, destroying the paddy fields. How can these innocent residents bear the destruction of the crops that were made with hard work and sacrifice.


It is also a great fortune to live in a village full of trees that add a strangeness and coolness to the nature. It is cool no matter how much rain has fallen, I have lived in a village like this for a long time and I have gained these experiences. Nature hardly does anything wrong to a sincere lover of nature. Many natural disasters that are happening now are inherited because of the mistakes made by humans to nature. I am well aware of the benefits of loving nature as I have had the experience of meditating through the night listening to the sounds of nature while mingling with nature. So, no matter how busy you are, make sure to get in touch with nature at least once a week.



Paddy cultivation is not the only thing that the innocent villagers are doing with great effort. Inter-crop cultivation is also done by them. Even though some crops need more rain to get the harvest, it is also a condition of nature to have crops that are destroyed due to that too much rain. So we as humans should have more understanding about this behavior of nature. Several paddies have already been abandoned due to this unprofitable condition. Then one has to put in a lot of effort to prepare the field to get a rich harvest again.


Water for small-scale rice cultivation is transported through small canals. For that, an irrigation technology that has been used since the past was used in Sri Lanka. Water is supplied by tanks for large-scale paddy cultivation. There are also technical means to store excess water for periods of dry weather. By widening the space of this small canal, the water has flowed into the rice paddies and the plants have been destroyed.


The sky, which sometimes shines in a very beautiful blue and white color, turns black this morning and shows a terrible appearance. Dark clouds indicated that heavy rain was about to fall. It is amazing how the sky and the earth are used to show the innocence as well as the roughness of nature.


People are exhausted due to heavy rain but see the vitality of the big trees. They stand up more strongly and show majesty. This rain is beneficial for the trees to lose their dryness and shine with a fresh green color. It is nature's nature that trees feel good when too much rain is bad for humans.


When we get close to nature, we hear many natural sounds. Like the sound of flowing water, the sound of trees shaking, the sound of birds is also a type of sound that brings sweetness to the ear. A lot of birds with a brown and white color called Wee (rice) bird were seen in the fields on both sides of the road. They could not go near the herd and take photos because they flew away when they got close. These birds have a unique melodious voice.



Flowers are another beautiful object that enhances the beauty of nature. In addition to home grown flowers, wild flowers also have their own beauty. According to my experience, wild flowers have more beauty because they have no human touch. Although the scent of many wild flowers is not very sweet, they add many values to biodiversity.





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