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I was able to pick up a load of FREE compost, today! My uncle is a farmer, and he has run a cotton gin for years. When they clean the cotton, the seeds and hulls get dumped into a pile and eventually begins to compost. I've used it in my garden for years, and it is good stuff! I plan on mixing it into my native soil and using it in my garden beds and to plant my orchard.

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My uncle has recently shut down his ginning operation, and this is what is left of the cotton hull compost. So, I filled up my little truck bed today, and there are about 2-3 more loads still sitting out there. It is going to be unbelievably helpful when I start filling my raised garden beds, and I am so thankful to my aunt and uncle for providing it! I'll definitely have to drop by and give them some garden fresh veggies this summer!!

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