AZLCuration, March 2022

This may end up being a short one; I came up with the idea late in the month. I was starting out doing it as a weekly thing, in which case I still came in late, but when I thought about organizing collections of curation posts, a monthly report made more sense to me.

I’m not sure if I’m even a minnow, so my curation is not valuable, but I like sharing the posts that grabbed me and sharing them with my friends - or as will naturally be the case, acknowledging my friends’ work.

This month I have 9 posts to share with you:


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img_4625.pngTUTORIAL Step by Step Bracelet Woven in Loom@marleyn

I just found @marleyn. She is incredible though, I followed immediately. She does beautiful art (I.e. sketching etc), has a multitude of exciting and fun tutorials, manages the whole thing for a bilingual audience, and more. But don’t take my word for it, check out @marleyn and her post history for yourself!


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img_4624.pngMonoChrome Monday: Sunsets@cmplxty

I always enjoy the photography of @cmplxty . This is another one of the first friends I made on Hive, @cmplxty has shown me a lot about posting on Hive, both in conversation and by setting an example to follow.


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img_4623.pngRemembering a Composition@mipiano

This was a fun post. It’s fun to see @mipiano showing her skills, but it also got me reminiscing about my guitar and the difficulty of recalling muscle memory after a long hiatus. @mipiano is always a really positive and engaging, and even taught me how to

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when I first came to Hive!


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@lsnt is another I’ve only recently met. While we haven’t had many interactions, I enjoy the volume and breadth of their content. I was particularly thrilled about this post, as it was one of the first times someone other than me posted in one of my communities!


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img_4649.pngSpring Forward Fall Back: 12 String Taylor Jam@sketch.and.jam

Like some others on the March list, I am only new to @sketch.and.jam ‘s content, but immediately happy to have found someone out there making awesome stuff I can look forward to seeing/hearing. Seriously talented user, does an amazing job of inviting that 12 string guitar to sing.


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img_4650.pngHeredise Reign@valued-customer

One of the first users I started following on Hive, @valued-customer’s account is a long string of valuable and insightful articles for consideration. Personally, this user is one of the ones I always get excited to see stuff from (there must be a better way to say that, but I’m gonna leave it as-is).


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img_4669.pngThe Path to Richness Part 9@nomad-magus

@nomad-magus has a really cool and unique theme. From what I’ve gathered, this Hiver gives courses to help people develop and grow…sorry, I know that’s a super weak description. But a lot of the posts here read like they’re out of Dear Abby, the spiritual awakening version. I guess that’s a crappy description too - but I mean no harm, obviously I wouldn’t be putting it here if I held the work in anything less than high regard. What I mean to say, specifically, is that @nomad-magus posts questions asked by their students, accompanied with their answer - and these are generally really well-selected questions and really good answers. Lots to learn here, and I’ve really enjoyed following the work of @nomad-magus!


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img_4705.pngTravel and Work Independent of Location@schmidi

Another Hiver I only met just this month, @schmidi is putting up fun and interesting content concerning a range of topics, but one of my favorite aspects of his work, is that it is often either English, Deutsch, or both! I find that exciting because I’ve been slowly trying to learn German over the years, and now I can practice by translating Hive content! But, the reason I brought @schmidi ‘s post into the March curation list, is really because of how well I think this particular post dovetails into @nomad-magus post concerning the abundance mentality.

Since I read it, I’ve been going, well, shit! What would I want? And in the last few days of the month, my dude @schmidi comes along and gives me this great example of something I would love to do in this lifetime. Kudos, @schmidi, and thank you for being inspirational!


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img_4741.pngRussian Trolls Have Taken Over…@offgridlife

When we see information that goes counter to our personal narrative, or story about what’s going on in the world, what do we do? It takes a lot of energy to give this kind of consideration to every single belief we hold, but I believe this kind of diligence is critical if we are to see any kind of quality of life going forward.

Even if it turns out your mind is unchanged, the idea that you are open to hearing another perspective and give it a chance to change your mind is a powerful olive branch that can be shared between dissenting thinkers.

I’ve long been of my own beliefs. I’ve always been open to considering alternative perspectives with a level mind and receiving heart, but it’s not been common for me that someone actually succeeds in radically reversing my thought process…but in a series of posts shared by @offgridlife this month, that exact phenomenon has unfolded - by sharing different perspectives in a light which seems focused on really seeing, @offgridlife has pushed me to widen my boundaries once more, and make room in my mind for a wider range of potential realities. For this, @offgridlife, I thank you. Pilamayaye!

These are my favorite picks for March of 2022. There were many others which I loved as well of course, but I can only highlight so many. Thanks to everyone for producing awesome content and providing fun and stimulating engagement!

Thanks for checking out some more of my work! As always, I hope you enjoyed witnessing as much as I enjoyed creating!

If you enjoy my content, check out the Albus Index!

Here you’ll find links to various post-groupings, so you can find all posts related to a specific topic quickly. Topics include lists of brewing recipes, different flutes, rucking posts and an index of all acoustic covers. The lists are updated as new content is added, so they can always be used to quickly navigate my content.



Use my Coinbase referral link to get started with Coinbase! I’ll get $10 in Bitcoin but, more importantly, you will get $10 in Bitcoin too!

Here is a post I did recently about using Coinbase with HiveWallet to get Hive in the US. If you’re wanting to buy Hive and are having difficulties, this may be helpful for you!



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