[LOH 103] We Don't Need Superpower to Help, we just Need to Raise our Voice

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Hello beautiful Hivers! What's up? How's your day? I hope y'all having enough rest after a long hard work. A little rest will do for the tired body and mind. Fighting!!!

"You.know.very.well that letting it loose like that is a big sin! Now receive the punishment for doing suh things!"

"I can't breath! I can't fight. All I can do is to cry. Just with one mistake I am receiving such punishment that I think I don't deserve. Is the new law now focus on Violence? Is this the really what I deserved?"

Image from Pexels.com by Ekrulila

I saw the man's face beating me. But to me, he looks like a monster. Not a hero that saved a thousand of innocent people from the bad guy. Before my eyes close, I saw the monster laugh like a devil.

"They said, they will release her after some talk. But why she's in her? Why hospital and not in the jail? And why she's beaten like that? As a mother this is very unfair! What big mistake she did to deserve this? Why?"


I just, wrote this with the character POV but off course this is not the real one. I just wrote what the possible thought that Amini has while experiencing the beating. I also wrote what is the possible thought her mother has after seeing Amini's situation.

So this is my entry in Ladies of Hive Contest #123. My answer is just an opinion and I just base my answer on what I read on the news. If ever I said something that is against to any law or what, feel free to correct me. LINK


1️⃣ What do you think about of this sort? Do you think you could ever live in such a conservative society? Would you even consider briefly visiting such a country with such laws? How can we assist such women, who cannot afford to flee to a safe place?


Thank You so much Ladies of Hive for hodling this kind of Contest every week. Also thank you @thekittygirl for providing a great topic for this week.


What do you think about news of this sort?

I can't imagine Amini's had to go through just because she failed to comply with the regulations for Hijab's Regulations. They created a law like that, sure but what's the need of violence? For them to never forget about Hijab's regulations? They will do such extent, beating the woman to death? What about second chance? It didn't exist to them? As a woman, I really find it unfair.

They have this "re-education session" so why not stick to that? Why hurt the woman? Why beat her? Is it because she is "just" a woman? I can't understand why they did this, to be honest. I can't find a good reason why they have to resort on violence. If everything can settle with giving the woman a long talk about Hijab's regulation, why not just do that. I hope she get the justice that she deserve.

Do you think you could ever live in such a conservative society?

I can, sure. But if I see that a lot of woman is being treated unfairly, I would rather move to other country and live there the way I wanted. I don't want to live in fear thinking that I might experience the same thing like what happened to Amini. I know, it's not always like this but not all people is kind to treat the woman better. I can follow the rules and regulations but I won't sit still if ever I experience such violence. I just want to live in peace not in fears for my life if ever I made one mistake on wearing my headscarf.

Would you even consider briefly visiting such a country with such laws?

Yes, off course. I will respect their laws and will gladly follow the rules, I am willing to do that after all I am just a visitor. Specially if that Country is one on my travel list. To be honest, there's nothing wrong with their laws. To some, maybe they are okay with it. But what's bad and sad is when a woman was hurt because they were not able to comply to their regulations. As I've said above, why need a violence if they can just simply give them a warning and not a beating.

How can we assist such women, who cannot afford to flee to a safe place?

I'm no superwoman who has a great power to help others using strength and super power but I can help through giving them a hand if ever they ask for it. A lot is scared to help some because they are afraid to get the same punishment of helping, but I won't be afraid to that and will stand for my fellow woman. I think helping them in silence is what's the best. It's scary yes, but at least tru this we can help them without anyone knowing it. Or if ever they discover it, they are already too late.

Helping one another with the thought of helping other woman not to live in fears anymore. No one wants to be subjected of anything that might give them a lot of fears, we all don't want that. But at least with the help of others, they can at least have the courage to fight. The biggest obstacles they have to face will be easier for them to get pass because they have us, they are not alone anymore. They have everyone.


I want to invite @Jane1285, @xanreo, @usagidee, @cthings and @eybyoung on this challenge. Come on guysu, let's go try it.



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