LOH 199 - My time, My terms; The freelance life

Hello, beautiful people! Welcome to my blog. It's a pleasure to have you in this space. Once again, welcome šŸ¤—

All thanks to @jane1289 for this week's questions šŸ‘

Before I became a parent, I used to think I preferred to go out every day to work. I loved the social interactions with people and also the structures that came with going to work every other day. It felt good waking up and preparing for work every day.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

However, everything changed after I became a parent; my priorities and preferences changed. Leaving the house to work every morning became very stressful and bothersome to me. I had to look for where to drop my baby. In the city where I stay, they have just a few daycares that are up to my standard, and those are chocked up as every parent is looking for a good place to keep their kids. Even the school that has daycare closes by 1pm, and I close by 5pm; sometimes I even get to 6pm. So I had to resign and face my business, which I was not paying much attention to before.

Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels

I would go for freelancing for now, because it is going to give me all the time and freedom I need to cater for my home and family. With freelancing, I can confidently schedule my time and plan out my activities. There is no greater joy as knowing that you have almost absolute control over your time, and freelancing gives you such a rare but treasured opportunity.

We all know that everything that has pros also has cons. Working from home requires a lot of self-discipline and motivation, and it also has a way of isolating and disconnecting you from people.

At the moment, I am enjoying the flexibility of working from home, even though sometimes I miss the social interactions with people.


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