Hive community spotlight #20: Interview with @wesphilbin


Welcome dear friends to the 20th edition of the hive community spotlight, it's already the 20th week and I'm so happy to have gone this far!

Meet @wesphilbin, a shining example of positivity and kindness in the Hive community! With a heart of gold and a passion for spreading love and thoughtfulness, Wes has touched the lives of many through his thoughtful posts, engaging conversations, and dedication to building meaningful connections. Through his involvement in various communities and initiatives, Wes has demonstrated a remarkable ability to bring people together and foster meaningful relationships.

I invite you learn more about him through this interesting interview.



What brought you to Hive, and what keeps you engaged with the community?


I was invited by a dear friend, @bearone[@bearone/], whom I met in an Online Video Game group. That was back in the days of STEEMIT of course. I can remember thinking… “Okay, what did I get myself into!”. This was back when I knew nothing about cryptocurrency. I mean… I had heard of BITCOIN but the main reason I joined the blockchain, was to get my mind off of my own issues; health, financial, and personal. The idea of getting engagement from others (more than just likes and shares) was interesting to me. So I thought… why not? As for what keeps me engaged in the community… I would have to write a separate post LOL. But to get right to the point. What keeps my attention, is trying to help others, elevate the awesome of the blockchain, and be a positive example for others both on-chain, and off.


Can you share a little about your background and interests?


I like to take long walks at the beach at night. Just kidding! My background isn’t much different than anyone else's, I suppose. I will be 54 in June of this year. I served in the United States Army… I have been married, and divorced… Have a son who will be 25 next year. He doesn’t live with us anymore, but that’s okay. I met my soulmate, back in 2008 (after my divorce). I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, back in June of 2016; I was contaminated by a prior employer that used a chemical degreaser known as TCE or Trichloroethylene. I have lesions on my brain and neck. My entire spine is just one long lesion… I have a ton more health issues, but the main thing I try to do is not think about the bad, and focus on the good. Before my divorce, I was going to school online… working towards my Bachelor of Science in Information Technologies. I had dreams of being the next Bill Gates, but that did not happen (I like being myself anyway… not someone else LOL) as I was kicked out of online college; hard to go to school, when you are going through a divorce, and a plant closing due to the TCE fiasco.

I felt like a failure but had to remind myself that even though I worked a 12-hour day, I still managed to keep a 3.8 GPA, and even made the Dean's List every month I was attending. The fact that I liked technology-related notions seemed to help steer me toward the blockchain. My interests are many… I like listening to music. Reading books. Going outside and planting flowers (this is something I can’t do right now. As I have been in a wheelchair since December of last year) and spending time with family. When I feel up to it… I like to get on my PS5 and play a few games. When I’m not spending time with family… I am usually on my Community Curation Account, or trying to help others in all the different Discord Servers and Communities on-chain. Short and sweet… Everything interests me… except ticks… and big spiders LOL.


What do you like to create and share on Hive (writing, art, photography, etc.)?


I will be quite honest. I don’t really post that much anymore. Early in my Blockchain journey, I realized I wasn't here to get rich. That's a word that can be taken differently, by many different people. Define “rich”... I don’t define “rich” in a monetary means. To me… having good friends, family, enough food to eat… that’s what being rich means. Anyway… what do I like to create and share on Hive? Thoughtfulness… Positive energy… I am known for many sayings. Sayings, or TAGS I guess you could say. #buildingpositivebridges#thoughtfuldailypost (my Community). I want everyone to know, that they aren’t alone! I try to take the “machine” out of the blockchain and put more of the “human” back in. It’s pretty simple to me. I guess that’s just because I am old… “Been there and done that”!


What inspires your creativity, and where do you find ideas?


Another good question! Creativity… to me, is inspired by the everyday things we experience in life. So… these could also be the ways I might find ideas. Women raised me, so I have a much different outlook on things. I tend to find creative ideas, in all the little things that may seem commonplace. The number one goal that always drives me, is to share the notion of compassion, love, thoughtfulness, and kindness. Keep things simple! Just waking up each day is a blessing.


Have you formed any meaningful connections or collaborations with other Hive users? If so, tell us about them!


I would have to take part in a whole new interview to cover ALL the dear souls I have met on our Blockchain. From my very first days on the Blockchain… TeamUSA Discord Server. Then joining the dear folks at The Terminal. Rest assured… if the focus is spreading love, thoughtfulness, and positive energy? Then you can bet I am connected to it/them. If you are reading this… you probably know me, and I am fortunate to have met you!


What do you appreciate most about the Hive community, and how do you think it differs from other online platforms?


I am in quite a few different Social Media “places” The Hive Blockchain… Yes… the one that rhymes with Space Look… IG, X, there are too many to mention. But the Hive Community has so much more to offer than all the others. Understand… when I say this. I am not referring to “funds”. I am talking about people you meet, from the other side of the world… You find a common thread. I have known so many people since I joined in 2017. Some moved on… some gave up. But some are still here… and I cherish each and every one of them… Like the saying that everyone has heard (and hopefully agrees with)...

Come for the Crypto… Stay for the Community!


What are the projects or communities you're involved in on Hive?


You’re not busy for a few hours… right? The first involvement was helping new folks joining our Blockchain, by being a PR Mod at The Terminal Discord. I am also a part of the following Communities/Discords:

InnerBlocks Community…
The Hive Veterans Community…
Hive Memorial Forest…
Free Your Mind Community…
The LUV Community…
Mod at The Ink Well…
… the list goes on. But I think you can see what I mean…

All I can really say is look at one of my posts (You will have to search. As I don’t post much anymore). I have been teased many times in the past, due to ALL the graphics/Footers/etc., that I add at the end of each post LOL. That I would crash the blockchain using up all the bandwidth! But, to me… that was showing respect. To all the folks I have come in contact with, and initiatives that I believe in. Again… pretty simple really.


How has your experience on Hive impacted your life or creative journey?


Well… I have been able to meet ALL kinds of people. It just goes to show; that that old saying still remains: “You don’t have to be blood… to be family”. As for impacting my life? Well… it let me take my mind off of the things I was going through in my own life. We only need to read a few posts, to have that “I need to send a reply!” moment. “True Engagement”, as I call it. So in this… I could use the issues I was going through… how I was able to find a positive resolution. Then share with others… It is very important to remember we are all just humans behind the computer and phone screens. Taping away, trying to convey our feelings… Sure… things haven't always been positive. But we shouldn’t let that stop us from trying to make our blockchain the best it can be… right?


Do you have any advice or encouragement for new users joining the Hive community?


Don’t let this place fool you. Sure… there is the possibility of getting paid. I am not against others using our blockchain as a means of support. But it’s like one of those sayings I mentioned in the beginning of our interview. It’s not the situation… It's how you handle it. Read everything… Then… Read it again! Join The Terminal Discord Server []. I wish I would have known about this awesome place. Not just trying to promote it because I am a Moderator there. It’s not easy when you first start your journey on our blockchain; I remember! We have been helping folks since 2018… That's the best advice I can give… Join The Terminal!


Is there anything else you'd like to share with the community, or any questions you'd like to ask?


What are you thoughtful for, today?


Finally, who else do you suggest should be interviewed here?


I do actually! I think I met dear Marilour in The Terminal Discord. Since the first day we interacted… I knew she was a dear soul. Someone that was really full of positive energy, enthusiasm, and the want to make a lasting impact on our blockchain. Here’s her account: [@marilour/].


Thank you @wesphilbin for sharing your inspiring story! Your positivity and kindness shine through in everything you do. You're a true asset to the Hive community, and I'm so glad to have you as part of our family. Keep spreading love and thoughtfulness!


Thank you @jamerussell for making this suggestion.
Thanks to @thekittygirl for all your support and to everyone who supports the series.

Thanks @wesphilbin for the delegation in support of my work!

Leave your thoughts, suggestions or questions in the comments below!

Got someone in mind who deserves to be in the spotlight next? Drop their name in the comments below!

See you in the next edition!!! 🤗

Cover image designed on pixelab by me



@dfinney@bhattg@brisby @livinguktaiwan




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