LOH CONTEST #105 // My principle

Hello my lovely people on this amazing community,I am happy to be here again this week . This week I will be answering the first question;

Do you have a personal guiding principle (or a mantra) by which you live? If you do, what is it and how is it impacting your life so far?


Every body have different principle they follow which helps them with the way big life and impact their life one way or the other which I am not an exception I have some principle I'm following too.


I have some principle I established for myself which I always follow which are;

• I always keep my affairs to myself, is not everybody that deserve to know everything about me because it is not everybody that like me. Knowing too much about me might not be good so. some people are nice while some are just agent of pretence and hate pretence in my life so I will rather keep my affairs to myself than to share it with fake people.

• I respect myself because if I don't who will and I always concern about self respect. I am not an arrogant person but I hate people disrespecting me even if I'm not rich. Some people will look at you and think they are more than you because of their body status but everything is not about that and exacting the principle of self respect is the best.

• Trying to do good, it doesn't matter who it May be. Everybody cannot be good and I can't say because they are not good to me or do bad for me that I won't be good either, it will be prolonging the enmity and I like my conscience to be clear and since I know that doing good will bring me good why paying bad with the same coins.

This life is too short to keep on delaying my plan and that is why I like to execute any plan I have at the moment without delay because I hate regrets and I don't follow people blindly, I just make my own principle to keep live on. Following people blindly might be harmful.

This has been my principle over the years and has makes me improve on many aspect of my life.
Before I go I will like to invite @olamummy o participate in this contest.

Thanks for checking on my blog and have a wonderful day

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