Ladies of Hive #58 What’s in the bag?


”Blackbirds tend to like shiny things.” ~ The Bloody Raven

Okay you talked me into it @silversaver888

What’s in the bag?

That’s a question I would expect should a scruffy man came up to me as I walk to my bus top on my way to my Night shift work. His tone would be that of a low sinister growl to intimidate me to giving up my purse without thinking much further. If he were jittery and impatient, I would consider him a mere junkie needing quick cash for a fix and easily distractable.

Either way, neither scenario had yet happened to me. Being simply watchful for the telltale signs, common sense, even instincts and knowing what to do avoids 99% of unwanted confrontations before they happen.

The contents of my backpack are no different than most for my work and post work shopping in the mornings. My lunch, change of clothing, small makeup kit, hairbrush, and an emergency change of clothes. In nursing work, doo doo happens.
So, let’s change to my Dojo bag.

What’s in my Dojo bag?

I’m not endorsing the Soda Beverage, but the Bag color scheme is my style
Top; My Gear bag.
Middle; ’Fang’ My Iaido Katana
Bottom; My Bokken, Oak wooden practice sword

Each of my Katanas has a silk bag as Samurai cherished their weapons with care and believe that it has it’s own soul. And like past Samurai have traditionally done, I named my weapon ‘Fang’.

Iaido, is an aspect of Kenjutsu that emphasizes on the Art of the Draw. It is an elegant art to deploy your weapon in such a manner that your opponent either real or imagined will acquiesce to your superior skill.

The hardwood Bokken is the standard practice sword which are made close to weight and balance of a typical katana. Much safer to practice swinging alone or in class drills.

The Outfit
Basic black Karate uniform as opposed to a Kendo version.
Kendo Wrist guards.

Japanese haori coat/jacket

Typically worn by men but also worn by women adding a sense of distinction over a kimono or uniform. I am looking to get a black one.

Putting it all together!

As for my clan in #silvergoldstackers

1 Troy Ounce Samurai Silver Bar from the Golden State Mint
Front; Fully armored Samurai in an IN NO KAMAE stance.
Back; Fan Pattern
.999 Fine silver
Size 50.1mm x 29.3mm x 2.4mm
Edge; Smooth

Now that I have a car, after Christmas I will be retiring my backpack and fanny bag to the Brocaded Black handbag featured in the top picture. A habit left over from my Bike and Bus commute days.

I think I miss my spirit-separated-at-birth more colorful sister @chocolatescorpi and invite her back this round.

For the original Contest Post Contest 58 link!


1. My own pictures shot with a Samsung SM-A530W
P. Image under Pixabay
R. Clip art from 123RF
W. Wiki Commons
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“Et lux in tenebris to serve laboro, sum sicarius” “I work in the shadows to serve the Light, I am an Assassin.”

"Ahh ains nae bluudy Financial Advisor!"

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