Happiness indeed is a choice but you know, the moment when you are already feeling sad you might find it a luxury to want to choose to be happy. God has given us every reason to be happy but then that doesn’t mean we are wrong by feeling sad, it is actually a road to making us feel happy. I wrote a post some weeks ago of my favorite toy and I said something about me getting it for my birthday and guess what? I did 🥹.

My joy when I got knew no bound and I feel so happy for me for not feeling discouraged because of how much it worths. I always knew it was quite expensive and that was one of the reasons why I delayed getting it for myself all these years and it feels so good to get it for myself. So for those of you that don’t know yet, my favorite toy is teddy bear and after much searching for the perfect one, I finally found it not even far from me 🥺. Indeed all the things we need are closer than we know it, hehe.

So I was chatting with @thekittygirl about the color I’d love to get and she mentioned she likes pink color and guess what? The one I found was only in a pink color and I thought twice but somehow I already fell in love with the pink one without even knowing it because it was when I saw it I decided to make sure I’d get it, hehe. My teddy bear is so cute and it was totally worth the price. I was so fortunate to get a support from an amazing person and it supplemented the bill by half! Thank you so much ma’am ❤️.

So now I’m a teddy bear owner, a cute one at that, I love it for everything that it is and I’m very sure you’d love it too if you are a teddy lover like me. And I’m even more happy that I was able to get it before my birthday as I promised myself, so everything just worked out well and it can only be God and all the amazing people in my life both online and offline. And I’m also grateful to my sister @merit.ahama for not discouraging me from getting it, because if she had said otherwise I would have listened because I know she wants the best for me. I was able to get the teddy bear for $20.

Well well, today is my birthday @intishar 😂, you didn’t get it right so you deserve a mention 🥰. Happy birthday to me and everyone who has the same birthday as me. I love me and I’m happy I could get myself the first gift, I hope to do this often because the feeling was next to none 🥹. My birthday wish and prayer is doing excellently well in my exams and possibly being part of the best graduating students in my set.

A big appreciation to everyone on hive because you all made it possible for me to get this gift for myself thanks to the support through upvotes. I hope to keep giving my best. Have a beautiful day and week ahead lovelies 😘.

The images used are mine

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