Some Tips For A Discouraged Hiver Friend ||| LOH Contest 117

A reputation 52 friend says that she no longer wants to be active in Hive, claiming that she can't make the time, the coin is so low valued, and only a few people ever read her posts. What could you do to encourage and help her to keep trying? Writing tips? Time management? Other? 𝐀𝐍𝐃 / 𝐎𝐑

Dear hive friend, as a newbie, it might get hard before it gets great. So if you find yourself in the situation stated above my tips below might help you get the best out of your hive activities. As someone who has been there, most of us here have. So, I can relate to wanting to give up at some point forget I ever been here, and just move on. But I don't, I figured it out and today I'm a very happy hiver though still a work in progress.

We all make time for what we want

One can always make time, we just have to decide what we want, prioritize our activities, and shows up as much as we can. You can take it slow day in and day out, take a few activities at a time and gradually increase your time on them.

Let's say, you set out to publish at least five posts per week, with at least 7 to 10 thoughtful comments a day, as you progress you can add to this.

If you can do this, your followers will increase and so is the support you will be getting on your posts.

if you think that hive token is low value then you must think again.

Yes, the bear market might have hit hive tokens for these past months but to me Hive has been holding very strong compared to other crypto coins.

If your focus is only on the hive price you may never be able to get the best out of the hive. You have to be willing to explore the communities, share your experience with other like minds, and have fun.

Until you learn to see the great future that hive has by taking a look at the different development and applications being built on the hive base layer, you might just be missing out.


How can one manage their time in other to succeed on hive

You can dedicate part of your free time daily and be specific on what you want to achieve with it on the hive.

Let's say you have a post to make for the day, make sure you allocate part of your time in that day for it. It can be some numbers of comments you wish to make and maybe you will have time only in the late evening for this. Whatever free time you have a day just try and fix it well and use it judiciously in your hive work and gradually you will begin to see results.

Leave your comforts zone, go out and make friends

Hive is a web3 Socialmedia and you have to treat it that way in other to gain support. This means you have to socialize, by going out there make friends, and interact as if your account growth depends on it because it actually does.

You can follow some authors that interest you and add them to your favorite author using the ecency app, this way you can easily find their posts and interact with them later even if you miss them on your feed.


Think long-term and be willing to learn

Hive is growing very fast and evolving, ask yourself are you willing to miss out on the great future that is building up here. Because as for me, I don't.

Be willing to learn, contribute and grow along. Those people with big accounts did not happen overnight, they were one's newbies who are willing to start putting in the work and building up their accounts and reputation.

Join Hive communities that interest you

There are vibrant communities of all sorts in the hive you can think of, find those that interest you, interact with them, make your contributions there and have fun. And before you know it, you will become a force to reckon with.

Last and also very important, be consistent with what you do and show up every day. As like in the offline world out of sight is out of mind.

This is how I coped in my early time here and I hope you find your way around.

This is my entry into this weekLadies of hive community contest feel free to join us in the discussion

Hive image from @doze

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