My Salt Experience #207

Hello beautiful ladies of Hive, happy new week to everyone! I hope you're all doing well. As I was thinking about joining this week’s contest, I remembered an experience I had in the kitchen with salt, and I’d love to share it with you. Thank you for reading my story!

Photo is Mine designed in Canva

What Happened
One day after work, I had to rush to church. I knew that by the time I got home around 8:00 PM, the only thing left for me to do would be to cook, so the kids would have something to eat the next morning before school.

My sister, who usually stays with me, had traveled home, so I was alone. If I didn’t cook, buying food for the day would be too expensive for me.
I planned to make rice with stew. Normally, I prepare the stew first because it takes more attention, while the rice just needs to cook on its own. All I had to do was put the rice on the gas, let it cook for a bit, then wash and parboil it.

Guess What Happened Next?
After parboiling the rice, I went to attend to the kids. I completely forgot that I had already added salt to the pot. So, without thinking, I added more salt as if I hadn’t added any before.

Guess what? The food ended up being way too salty, even I couldn’t eat it! I tried giving it to the cat, but it refused. Then I gave it to the dog in our compound, and it rejected it too, but took the beef! That’s when I knew something was wrong.

I didn’t want to throw away the food because that would feel like wasting resources. Besides, there might be someone out there who really needed it. But, of course, I couldn’t give it to anyone because it was too salty and might harm their health.

So, I gave it to the goats in my neighbor's compound, and luckily, they ate it. That made me feel a bit better. Since it was already late, I kept the food until the next day, steamed it, and then gave it to the goats again, who happily ate it.
I still felt bad, though, because I had planned for the kids to take the rice to school. Fortunately, the stew was fine, so I had to prepare something else. I made cornmeal swallow to go with the stew and cooked fresh rice the next day.

This definitely wasn’t what I had planned!

Lessons Learned

Afterward, I realized a few important lessons:

1.As a woman, prioritize your rest

If I had taken enough time to rest after coming back from church, I wouldn’t have forgotten that I had already added salt to the food. No matter what we go through as women, rest and relaxation are essential for bringing a sense of calm and clarity.

2.Seek help when needed

Although I had asked my sister to help me at home, she had to leave around that time, so I ended up doing everything alone. As women, we shouldn’t hesitate to seek help, even from our immediate family. They can assist with some of the chores, and it makes a big difference.

Thank you so much for reading my entry for this week’s contest! I hope you have a lovely week, and until I come your way again, take care!

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