Mommy's Mental Health - Chapter 39 - Birthdays, Getting back on track and new beginnings

yes! That's Claire eating a chocolate eclair for breakfast on her birthday courtesy of @aimeludick and @merenludick <3

So I've noticed a super weird trend that so many of my series are hitting chapter 39 this week, which is how old I turned on the 2nd of March. I have also noticed that the universe is weird, and generally, I don't really believe in coincidences. I don't really know what I believe in, spiritually, It's a bit of a mishmash between Christianity, Paganism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam and really whatever I pick up along the way that aligns with my core values and I think that's ok.

At the core of it all, the message is all the same, and it's also my answer to that scary question "What do you think is the meaning of life?" I think all these religions and spiritual beliefs try to teach us is to just not be assholes. it's really that simple.

So back to weird coincidences, my stepdaughter Aime's birthday was on the 27th of February, and mine was on the 2nd of March. I chose to work right through my birthday since I had my very 1st book deadline due the next day.

Sidenote: it was the first birthday since I turned 15 that I did not consume a drop of alcohol or wake up with a horrific hangover the next day! @jusipassetti and @lex-zaiya don't worry that doesn't mean I've given wine up for good! it was just weird. I did however indulge on Monday night when I hit that submit button for my book, which I finally finished!

She's been showing an interest in Magick for quite some time now and I decided it was time I gifted Aime my pack of tarot cards which I haven't touched since I was about her age as well as a gorgeous moonstone pendant that my mother gifted me with to help cleanse the cards and offer her a little balance and spiritual connection. It was bittersweet. It meant letting go of a part of me and passing it on to the next generation.

So there I was, locked up in my room, furiously trying to get through the last bit of writing and research for my book (I am now officially a ghostwriter like my mentor @lex-zaiya) and one of my close friends came to drop her daughter off for Amie's party (which poor @zakludick hosted all by himself) and she wouldn't take no for an answer when she insisted on coming upstairs to wish me happy birthday. I was grumpy, and overheating, and stressed, but she bullied her way in to give me a massive big hug, and this gorgeous moonstone necklace! how is that for the universe being awesome? So I gave away my moonstone but received moonstones in return. SO cool.

So my writing and research for the book is done, which means I can say I have actually officially written my 1st book. I didn't think I had it in me, and I've stressed myself stupid for the last few months, first with the test assignment and now with my first actual book, and I proved myself wrong TWICE. It just goes to show how we don't realize what we're capable of until we do it. What is that saying? Feel the fear and do it anyway? Well, I guess that's what I've done.

The content of the book has also really done a lot to shift my perspective on so much and deals with Jungian psychology, the idea of changing limiting beliefs and getting to know and integrating all parts of ourselves, even the shadowy bits. It was impossible to write the book and not identify with it. I'm definitely going to work through the science and therapy exercises and apply the principles in my own life. It was a self-help self-help book. hehehehe

I was also, despite my greatest efforts to ignore my birthday, spoilt rotten by my wonderful @zakludick and my beautiful children. Look at all these thoughtful gifts! The earrings and the limited edition 2-pound coin were from my mom.

So I guess, here's to the last year of my 30s but the beginning of a whole new stage of my life, and that's pretty exciting <3

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