Ecotrain medicinal soup competition: Seaweed soup @winnietran

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Hi my Hiver friends,
First of all, I wanna thank you @ecotrain community for bringing to us the meaningful contest. Also gave me a chance to know more medicine food from other friends in the community as I didn't see before.
Today, I made the Seaweed soup to join the contest. Seaweed soup is also one of my favorites. This soup I think it's good for everyone's health and also easy to find it everywhere from market or supermarket and above that it provides to our body a lot of vitamins and calcium.
Why do I choose seaweed?
Because seaweed is actually a good food due to its high calcium, iodine, fiber, omega acids, vitamin B1 & B3, and low-calorie count. It helps to increase the metabolism, blood circulation, prevents cancerous growth, and anti-aging.
In Korea, seaweed soup is one of the soups that women should consume within the first few weeks after childbirth because of its health benefits. It is known to be the best thing to help mothers who are recovering from pregnancy.
For making seaweed soup, I prepare the ingredients in the list below:

  • 20-gram dried seaweed (I cooked for 3 persons, this might be a lot. For normally use, I think 5-gram are enough)
  • 1 package soft tofu
  • 50-gram of pork or beef mince (to help the soup more flavoring and nutrition). However, you can replace it if you don't like it, I saw some people cook seaweed with egg, shrimp or just chicken brooth only.
  • 1/2 tsp of fish sauce
  • 1 tbsp of sugar
  • 1 tbsp of salt
  • 1 tbsp of soy sauce

First, we need to put the dried seaweed into the water, let it expand to its original shape and this process will take around 5 mins.

Then please check the seaweed after 5 mins, we will drain the water and rinse it off a few times before please it aside. Because my seaweed is not the pre-cut dried type, I cut it as the length of the finger.

While waiting for the seaweed to expand, we will cut the tofu into small cubes. Then preheat a pot at medium heat for 30 seconds. Then put 1 tbs of cooking oil and 1 tbs of minced garlic and 1/2 tsp minced onion.

Stir it until the garlic has a light yellow then we put the pork in and add 1 tbsp of soy sauce into the pot and stir it well for 3 mins or until it is cooked well. After that, I will pour 6 cups of water into the pot, and wait for it to boil.

After the soup is boiling, I will put the seaweed and tofu into the pot. Tofu will be added in the last step. Because those ingredients didn't take too much time for cooking, it will be around 5 mins for seaweed and tofu to be cooked.

Yay, and it's ready to be used. So with just around 15 mins, we had a delicious soup and also good for our health. It's raining for a few days in my place, that's so great for having something hot like a seaweed soup.

Thank you for reading my post.

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