Creative cooking with Vibe...

Chapati cooking, an alternative to wraps maybe?

I am partial to a wrap; you can put anything in one. You can have it as a light lunch encompassing a nice salad type filling or go all out and put in a full meal. I like to diversify my meals as I am sure we all do, I also like to come up with new ideas to expand my repertoire. In the reality of adult life, I don't have time to come back and cook after work; ok ok I'll rephrase that I can't be arsed most of the time.


My genius idea has been to cook a nice base meal at the weekends, were talking something like a stir fry, tofu with bean thing or a jackfruit number and save it for the week.

Quick tip for you

I use glass bottles to freeze my food in. Now make sure it is a reasonably thick jar just like the one coming up in fact. Then put your food in and let it cool (food hygiene and all that jazz) then put it in the fridge for 24 hours and it's ready for the freezer. When you are ready to eat it; get it our the freezer and let it defrost in the fridge again for 24 hours; and jobs a gooden!

Anyways slight tangent there! Let's get back to the chapati, shall we? To cut a long story short with the increase in food prices and especially organic options. We should all try and eat organic with the shit they put into food these days. Hence the need to find a way to make your own and grow your own where ever possible. Wraps are very versatile but expensive, whilst the chapati is easy to make and I think can double up as an alternative; see we got there.

Let's have a go a making them:

  • Step one
    340 Grams of organic flour of your choice with salt to your taste. I use Himalayan pink salt with it is stronger in taste so only used a teaspoon.


  • Step two
    Add in some water bit by bit until the texture is like dough and oil. I use coconut oil so melted it down first, then put it in two tablespoons. This jar is great for freezing when finished!



  • Step three
    Get in there with some clean hands and mix it all around until it is dough-like and round.


  • Step four
    Roll it into balls, technically you should get about eight out of this. Now, these balls roll out flat, this bit I need to master but not a bad first attempt. Well, not first strickly but first in many. many years. It's vegan and organic πŸ™πŸ½.



  • Step five
    Cook then on a light heat you don't need any oil just keep then from burning.


  • Step six
    Clear up the carnage


A fairly successful effort if I don't say so myself. Definitely, a viable alternative to the shop bought wrap and at a fraction of the cost; minus all the sugar and undesirables.

Now find your precooked filling and give yourself and pat on the back you now have space for some relaxation maybe even a barefoot walk. ## Enjoy 🦢🏽

So that's a wrap for today! (literally)

Connect with you next time... πŸ¦ΆπŸ½πŸ’―πŸ’.

Om namah shivaya... πŸ™πŸ½πŸŒπŸ“Ώ

For Reiki vibrations contact @thebarefootot


Check these out, they work well for me:




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