¿What aspects of sustainability and holistic living are important to you?"

Greetings community. To the question: What aspects of sustainability and holistic living are important to you? My opinion will be developed in the focus of one of the aspects of sustainability, as it is "The conservation of the environment", through which, we can achieve a healthy lifestyle by taking advantage of the environment to grow the food required for a balanced and correct diet.

In every nation there is a governmental entity oriented to set the rules and guidelines for the conservation of the environment with its respective natural resources. Awareness campaigns on the proper and correct use of the elements of the environment is essential for the development of a healthy life. When we enjoy rivers, beaches, savannas and other valuable environmental resources, we must ensure that each of these places are kept clean and in optimal conditions, so that other people can enjoy them in the same way we do. In my childhood, I remember that my parents, whenever they took us to the parks for recreation, taught us that all waste should be placed in the area where the garbage was placed. Likewise, when it was our turn to go to the rivers or beaches, my parents would take with them the plastic bags in which we were to place our garbage. Every time we did this, we were certainly contributing to the conservation of the environment and this helped us to develop a holistic life, based on the importance of health.

On several occasions, we had to plant trees in places near the rivers, which over the years provided wonderful shade to people who vacationed in the rivers and this allowed us to give real importance to the conservation of the environment, providing the planting of a tree so that at the end of a time a leafy tree would grow to give us shade.

Conserving the environment so that future generations will also benefit from it, is of utmost importance to develop a holistic life based on health and responsibility with the environmental world.
In the community where I live, people get together to make a general maintenance of the streets and places where garbage is placed, with the intention of maintaining a very clean and healthy environment for the whole community. There are neighbors who have very beautiful gardens, which are responsible for planting food and many fruits. When they have certain harvests, they share with the rest of the neighborhood. Planting fruit and medicinal plants is of great importance to conserve the environment and to develop a very prosperous and healthy lifestyle.

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