How to stop negative thinking.

How do we stop our negative thoughts?

My answer to this question? ---- We don’t.

We try to reduce the amount of negative thoughts we think, and replace them with positive ones, but there will always be some negative thoughts popping up in our heads from time to time and that’s normal. If not, I don't know if you would be human.


So if we can’t get rid of them completely how do we try to reduce these thoughts?

There's loads of ways we can help ourselves to think positive:

Simply practicing positive self thoughts. Example: if you look in the mirror every morning and think oh , I'm so ugly, start changing your thought to I'm beautiful. Even if you don't feel it when practicing these thoughts at first, keep saying them to yourself ! You will start to see yourself differently and with that so will other people. I'm not saying that other people think all the bad thoughts about you that you think about yourself but what you put out into the universe will come back to you.


Try to follow a healthy lifestyle, start eating better, working out, getting out of bed at a reasonable time, go for a walk to get some fresh air and instead of going on your phone, take in what’s around you and appreciate nature. By doing things like this it will make your body and mind feel better, therefore less negative thinking.


Surround yourself with positive people. If you are hanging out with negative people of course it's going to bring you down.

Ask yourself - if you were talking to a friend, would you say the same things? Probably not right? Then why say them to yourself. Try to be kind to yourself like you would to a friend.


Meditate - If it's going to a group meditation or on your own at home. Meditation is key to clearing your mind, thinking and feeling more positive.When you start doing it you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.

I could go on and on with different ways to help yourself. I'm not always the best at helping myself when I get down and think about the bad more than the good, but sometimes we just have to give ourselves that push and put more effort into improving our physical and mental health.

There are so many ways to reduce the negative thoughts that we think and everyone is different, what might work for me, may not work as good for someone else. Find the ways that you like and are most comfortable with and PRACTICE. Practice everyday at least once and it will eventually turn into a habit, the more you do it, the easier it will be to naturally replace those negatives with positives, and instead of once a day it will be several. It will be automatic.

Try to think that the only person giving those negative thoughts in life is you. So stop, take a step back, breathe and be kind to yourself. They may come into our mind from time to time but if we don't dwell on them, then we are not giving them life. Just a passing thought.


Be kind to yourself, replace the negatives with positives and the world will change with you.

You are the creator of your life.
Thank you for reading, until next time ...

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