Random Musings and Non Random Posts! (This Post contains legal amounts of Awesomeness)

Well, we survived another fork so hurrah! I've been scattered and busy in that thing called real life and still am happy some steadfast users on Black Sheep Bloggers and other Great Initiatives that see that they actually make decent uv's with using the different groups ;) It is a secret little gem that is fun and also funny but covers topics that are not just to satisfy everyone. People who draw outside the lines fascinate me.

WARNING: Steem witnesses executed a hard fork on 2020-05-20 removing approximately 23.6M STEEM from 65 accounts. The funds were transferred to an account named @ community321, the ownership of which has not been revealed.

^That is showing up when I do this post, does anyone know why? Some of us just wanna do fun stuff and then go on our happy ways, some people wanna write whilst on the toilet or hanging out in a hammock. Well, that's for the big dogs to figure out I guess? O.o

I had some much beloved time to read and try to catch up on things and want to shine a happy light on some work by some peeps who rock imho.

  • @hive-179017/shadow-hunters-contest-winners-round-140 @hive-179017 @melinda010100 Give your eyes a rest from the negative stuff and check out some photography playing with the light and dark (how appropriate right?) SHADOW HUNTERS!

  • @hetty-rowan/troubles-in-paradise Dogs are Humanity's Best Friend! This was a great read and proof again of our innate kinship with dogs and pets in general and their instincts at times protecting us and also lining up with our "gut feelings". This is a must read imho!

  • @brittandjosie/lovetheclouds-lookup-enjoythesky Has 2020 been a fun year? NO..........however it has given us at moments the time to reflect on a year like this with so much loss and grief on a myriad of levels. In the midst of Covid and lockdowns in many places now in effect, @brittandjosie gives a positive yet sobering glimpse into taking some time out to reflect on these "most interesting times." I am loving the photos and rawness/realness of this post

  • @silversaver888/silver-hand-poured-part-5 Part 5 shows more detail of the art of hand-poured silver for the Stacking community. It's something that many of us in Crypto also are involved with including myself and it is nice to have something tangible in your hand! SHINY POWER

  • @thekittygirl/the-plane-has-landed READING IS FUNDAMENTAL! Seriously this is pretty funny and apt of how people still are unaware a FORK happened but we all digress, lol ;)

gonna go ahead and get this out before anything else borks O.o

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