Uncivil War?

I'm sure many will think I'm exaggerating here, but I'm truly worried about the possibility of a lot of American civil unrest in the two months we have left until 20 January 2021, the day Joe Biden's supposed to be inaugurated as America's 46th President. If this happens it will be all about and because of Donald Trump, and therefore "uncivil unrest" may be a better label, with a chance of an uncivil war...

source: Ms. Magazine

A July 10, 2020 article in the Washington Post titled "Twelve signs Trump would try to run a fascist dictatorship in a second term" opens with the following: “He lies about voter fraud, admires authoritarians, tries to suppress free speech and uses the law against those who would hold him accountable.” All that is true. Here's a complete list from that article, all items that many pundits already wrote an talked about during the four years this highly uncivil man has been the POTUS:

  1. Trump uses military power and federal law enforcement to suppress peaceful political protest,
  2. Trump persistently lies about voter fraud, setting the stage for him to use emergency powers to seize control of the election or challenge the results if he loses,
  3. Trump has repeatedly suggested that he might remain in office after a second term and has offered reason to doubt he’d leave peacefully after this first term,
  4. Trump appears to believe he has the power to outlaw speech critical of him, and he calls the free press “the enemy of the people”,
  5. With Fox News promoting Trump’s lies as truth, the president controls one of the most powerful propaganda machines ever created,
  6. Trump believes that he has the power to do what he wants, regardless of Congress or the courts,
  7. Trump acts as if he owns our government and can fire any official who defends the law,
  8. Trump uses federal prosecutorial powers to investigate his opponents and anyone who dares scrutinize him or his allies for the many crimes they may have committed,
  9. Trump viciously attacks his critics and has publicly implied that the Ukraine whistleblower should be hanged for treason,
  10. Trump has messianic delusions that are supported with religious fervor by millions of his supporters,
  11. Trump subscribes to a doctrine of genetic superiority and incites racial hatred to scapegoat immigrants and gain power,
  12. Trump finds common ground with the world’s most ruthless dictators while denigrating America’s democratic allies.

If you want elaboration on each of these accusations because you've not been paying attention and can't see the truth of these claims by yourself, just follow the link provided above and read the entire article. Here's an interesting snippet from that article: Over the years Trump has frequently praised his “winning” genes, at one point telling an interviewer, “I’m proud to have that German blood — there’s no question about it.” It must be horrible to be convinced you have "winning genes" and still lose to an old man who often can't even string a coherent sentence together, and hasn't campaigned at all. Reality doesn't jive with his "winning" pedigree, so this man, who even cheats when he's playing golf, continues to refuse to accept the outcome of the elections. The totally bonkers theory that millions upon millions of votes were flipped from Trump to Biden by tally software in ballot counting machines, is definitively debunked by the manual recount in the state of Georgia that confirmed the Biden win. Still, Trump et al refuse to give up on their attempts at holding on to power.

Watch the below linked video. One part in it is of particular interest here:

"I feel like, maybe naively, maybe fatally naively, that the military is not going to prop up a Trump dictatorship. But, if that what what you were trying to do, what would you do? You'd clear out the top management of the Department Of Defense and replace it with people who are known for only one thing: personal loyalty to Donald Trump. What has he done? Cleared out the top level of management of the Department Of Defense and replaced it people who are only known because of their personal loyalty to Trump."

As January 20 2021 nears, and Trump doesn't cooperate with a peaceful transition of power by December 14 2020 at the very latest, when the outcome of the election is hopefully certified by the states' electors, more and more people will realize that mass protest will be necessary once again. Only problem is that almost half the country has voted for this fascist-dictator-wannabe and maybe they'll take to the streets as well... Let's hope it doesn't have to go that far...

Trump THREATENS Democrats If Biden Takes Office

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