The Green New Scam?

It's the economy, stupid! Trump once called climate change a "Chinese hoax". There are millions of people who do not believe in climate change, and millions more, like myself, who ask legitimate questions about it; they've derogatorily been labeled "climate deniers". I've repeatedly pointed out that it's interesting, to say the least, that the world's biggest producers and users of fossil fuels are at the front when it comes to promoting renewable energy, like BP and Shell dedicating billions to research and development of green energy, and corporation after corporation claiming that they've reached a point that they operate for 100% on renewable energy.

source: Wikipedia

Climate change is real, and humanity has a disproportionate influence it. That's what I believe to be true because that's my own conclusion when weighing the arguments from people who know a lot more than myself about this highly scientific subject, on both sides of the debate. But, like I said in the introduction, I have an open mind when it comes to continually asking questions about the way we go about responding to it, and I'm suspicious about any industry, including the green industries, that have billions of dollars of funding behind them. And when BP and Shell communicate a desire to be world leaders in ushering in a new green era, my doubts can only grow. The easy and apparently obvious argument to take away those doubts is to simply assume it's all propaganda, that they're not really in favor of green and renewable energy, and that they only use it to "clean up" their image while continuing business as usual.

But there's another reason for my doubts, and I've written about it 10 months ago now in a post called Dear Climate Alarmists.... In it I expressed my concerns regarding the silencing of the so called "climate deniers", that doing so prevents an honest discussion about the problem, and that absent that debate we're not likely to come up with the right solutions. In a post I wrote a month before that, long before oil prices plummeted to current levels, I said this:

The alarmists accuse the deniers of choosing sides with the oil lobby, and the deniers promptly deny it of course, when in truth they both face the same enemy; it's the oil business itself that now spreads it's wings out into a new, highly profitable "green economy" while preaching the love of nature and the earth. Oh, you think they're hurting themselves? Hmmm... Oil prices are going up, aren't they?
source: Steemit

Michael Moore, filmmakers respond to criticism of new bombshell environmental film

During this corona pandemic, we're all reminded of a few essential truths about the human condition, one of them being our ability to make rapid behavioral changes when we believe our lifes depend on doing so. This only works when the threat to our lifes is immediate though, which is why we have clean air now, when we failed to cut on burning fossil fuels for decades talking about the Earth becoming uninhabitable in 50 or 100 years. In fact, the air has been cleaner during every economic or other immediate crisis we've had in recent decades, including the 9/11 attacks, the Great Recession in 2008 and 2009, and the Great Depression in the 1930s. This sheds a light on the real problem and it's a problem that won't be solved by exchanging one growth industry with another; growth itself is the problem. Not growth of the population, but growth of the economy; populations don't grow if the economy doesn't grow first, you have to produce more before you can feed more mouths. Keep that in mind when you hear talk in the linked documentary about population growth control and reducing the population: that's the wrong order of things, we need to control the growth of the economy, and population growth will follow suit. This is my major gripe with the documentary, and the interviewer in the first linked video was right when he said this has a "Malthusian" ring to it. Eerily reminds me of the 10 "commandments" on the Georgia Guidestones...

So, a Green New Deal, as nice as it sounds, doesn't get to the root of the problem. It's rather simple really: infinite growth on a finite planet is suicide, and it doesn't matter if that cancerous growth if driven by fossil or green energy. On top of that, all the renewable energy sources, like wind and solar, are still heavily reliant on and couldn't work without fossil fuels. This is a touchy subject, I'm aware of that, but that's exactly the reason I ask you watch these two linked video's; the first is an interview with the producers and makers of the documentary film that's linked at the end. The documentary asks questions about the way we go about handling climate change and is already very controversial. But it shouldn't be in my opinion, as I've stated throughout the years I've been active as a blogger on Steemit, Trybe and Hive. Climate change isn't a hoax, but the proposed solutions may be...

Michael Moore Presents: Planet of the Humans | Full Documentary | Directed by Jeff Gibbs

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