"Vaccine passport" Beast System made permanent in BC to combat Omicron, which it does not do

Freedom-destroying "vaccine passports" were rolled out in Canada under the promise they were temporary, but health officials just announced they aren't going anytime soon. Showing digital ID and proof of injection is being made a permanent part of Canadian life. National IDs, something recognized as a sure sign of tyranny for generations, is now being forced upon society under very dubious circumstances and extreme duress. Health officials blame Omicron (and the upcoming Omicron 2) for making this necessary, claiming passports increase uptake of injections, and injections reduce hospitalizations. Even official data now shows they don't reduce hospitalizations, so the rationale is nonsense. The reality is a dark and sinister evil has gripped the developed nations of the world, and a technocratic grid is being installed to oversee complete centralized control.

The multi-billion-dollar nationwide system becoming permanent was announced today:

"BC residents will have to show a proof-of-vaccination card until end of June. Provincial health officer doctor Bonnie Henry says hospitalizations remain high even as the number of cases is dipping so the expiration date for the vaccine card will be extended. Henry says the card is just one tool in the management of Covid to preserve health resources."

"Card"? There's no card. It's a digital app in smart devices. I guess "card" sounds more benign than "passport", "microchip", or "ID". Also, why is it no longer an "immunity" pass? Oh, right... because you don't grant them to people with immunity, only people who comply with the mRNA shots. Well, if health officials can just use words however they want and make up new names for things, I'm going to call it "Beast System".

Bonnie Henry (our Covid figurehead) says we have to continue the Beast System to preserve resources, because it will reduce strain on hospitals. But do the injections actually reduce hospitalization? The latest data is clear: No. There is at best an insignificant reduction in hospitalizations in the "fully vaccinated".

The shots don't stop transmission or reduce hospitalization, and are putting a significant number of people into hospital with their side effects... but we have to take them to be part of society?!

Public reaction

CBC, our official state-run media/terrorist organization, sometimes allows comments (although heavily moderated) on their articles. Commenting on this one is already closed, but have a look at the top 4 (most popular) opinions:

Normally swarming with statists, it's incredible to see the tide really turning on CBC's comment section! ALL the top 50 comments are pro-freedom! The public is pissed off, and awake. I've been watching these issues for 15+ years now, and I have to tell you, I'm excited right now. Momentum is shifting toward Liberty. We have a long way to go and much to do, obviously, but I am beginning to see a shift in attitudes and thinking. That's how any real change always begins.

If you hadn't heard that about Denmark, here's the announcement. They're getting rid of ALL Covid restrictions/measures/mandates, in a matter of a days! Ireland and the UK were last week. I'm so jealous right now. We can only imagine that level of freedom in Canada at the moment. Please, pleeeeease let that be coming here soon! The narrative is indeed crumbling... but it can't happen soon enough! This latest setback will result in another round of suicides, as people lose hope of any reprieve in the torture that has become their lives. We can't go on this way. It must end, and it will only end when we MAKE it end! These tyrants aren't going to go away on their own.

They could have tried slipping out the back door...

With Omicron making it clear the "vaccines" don't work, and the passports supposedly expiring, this was the perfect natural time for the whole thing to just go away. They could have claimed it worked, and did what it was built to do, and cut their losses. Instead, health officials are doubling down on their mistake in a very clear and public way... and the people of Canada are NOT happy about it. They're waking up in droves right now.

We have a trucker convoy headed like an arrow across Canada, for the heart/capital in Ottawa. 6 million in donations via Gofundme, and tons more in cash! They have support in the millions across this nation! The convoy itself keeps gathering trucks as it goes, and now there are American convoys forming up to come at it from that side of the border as well!

We have a food crisis here and the government is firing the truckers who won't take injections? Damn right people are pissed! Trudeau is fucked.

( Photos by DRutter, Jan 23 2022, "Freedom Convoy" heading East from BC. )

The perpetrators of this fraud didn't take the easy out. They didn't let it slide, make apologies, throw a couple assistants under the bus, say "we did our best under difficult circumstances", and retire to an underground bunker. This confirms to us they're playing for all the marbles, and have other tricks up their sleeve. Their bus is broken down, rusty, out of gas, and on fire... but it's still moving. Perhaps they know we're on to them, and if they slow down we're going to tear them to pieces? And yet they won't let up, cornering us, coming at us with digital collars to slip around our throats.

1 year ago, if you had predicted a digital passport would become part of regular life, you were called a conspiracy theorist, fact-checked, and kicked off FaceBook.

If you talked about that 10 years ago, you were called mentally ill, and held in a psychiatric unit for medication and therapy.

But it's real. And it's up to us to stop it.


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