Unstable supply chain under attack - Vaccine mandate for truckers is risky and pointless!

Later this week, a mandate ordering injection of all truckers with Pfizer or Moderna goes into effect in Canada, risking collapse of our shaky supply chain, and dramatically raising the cost of living. For anyone not independently wealthy, a rising cost of living translates into a falling quality of life, so for the majority of us this is very bad news.

"Canada will require all truckers entering from the USA to show proof of vaccination starting on January 15, as part of its fight against Covid."

Industry experts say this could result in the loss of 22,000 truckers, about 10% of the workforce. The transport industry is already dangerously short on truckers, since this comes after the loss of 18,000 truckers in the past few months, who quit in advance of this mandate taking effect.

Just 2 months ago, rainstorms triggered mudslides and knocked out roads here in Canada's most Western province, British Columbia. I documented the empty grocery store shelves:

Officially, inflation is 5% right now, the highest in years. Unofficially, it's closer to 30% for most necessities, like food. And it's no secret that the supply chain is a complete nightmare right now, with some goods taking 6 months or longer to arrive at their destination, if they arrive at all. Mail service between many countries is currently suspended. The world is nearly at a complete standstill. Foods are not being produced in the same quantities they were, and they're not being transported as efficiently as they were. Prices are up, availability is down, people are suffering.

Further assaults to the transport industry will mean more bare shelves and shortages. This is mandated hardship.

Banning as much as 1/4 of all truckers, when this vital industry is already strained, is incredibly risky and foolish. At some point, it won't just be reduced selection and higher prices, it will be bare shelves, hoarding, panic, price fixing, lineups, and hungry bellies. Risking that is diabolical.

What about freedom?

Are we still the true North strong and free, if we force people to take injections so they can feed their children?

Mandates are like restrictions. While restrictions limit us from doing what we want to do, mandates force us to do things we don't want to do. Both are destructive to Liberty.

"To fight Covid"

The consequences aside, what about the fact that the "vaccines" don't stop Covid?! Blocking the movement of unvaccinated truckers does little or nothing at all to stop any virus, and the main reason is that the injections don't stop transmission! Vaccinated truckers spread Covid just as easily (or even more easily, because they have a false sense of immunity) as any other.

What is the intended purpose of this mandate? They say they're trying to encourage more vaccinations, and stop transmission. We already know mandating failed injections can't stop transmission, but what about encouraging uptake? Yes, some holdouts will decide to keep their jobs, and accept the injections. This will result in more accidents, just like those soccer players dropping dead in the middle of the field in recent months.

But yeah... it's all about health and safety! ; )

Omicron has reached almost every household in the world in a matter of weeks. At this point, even completely closing the borders and stopping all transportation wouldn't do anything. Pretending that injecting truckers is going to keep the virus from spreading is 100% ridiculous.

What it's really about

For the elite, moves like this accomplish multiple goals at the same time:

  1. Get a few more people injected and onto the digital passport system.
  2. Destabilize the supply chain, driving up costs, fear, division, and misery.
  3. Justify more government interventions.

Truckers were declared "essential" and an integral part of the supply chain, and made to work through the first 20 months of Covid. Now that there's an injection (which doesn't stop transmission), they're being fired if they won't take it, risking the health and safety of everyone?

Hmmmm. It's almost as though destabilization - and even risking depopulation - are acceptable outcomes to the "leaders" and "experts".

To the truckers: Hold your ground! We can't do this without you. If you say "NO", you will be victorious! Strike, if you have to! Make them fire you. Do NOT quit. You have the numbers, and just like in other vital industries, if you unite against the mandates they will be postponed or cancelled!

These "vaccines" - along with mandates and passports to increase their acceptance - have no place in a free society!

I think it's time for the people to take our countries, our markets, and our supply chains back from these globalist tyrants, before it's too late.


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