UNOfficial Winners List for #HivePUD (Hive Power Up Day) April 1st, 2022

Unofficial Winners List April 1 2022 blog graphic.png


Before I get started, I thought I'd mention to my #HiveBloPoMo friends that while this post technically works as my blog for the day, I'm not counting it. I'm still planning to put out a non-HivePUD post later today, and it might even be the suggested prompt as well! LOL!

And now as always, a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to this month's Hive Power Up Day, either through powering up, posting, offering prizes, or spreading the word. As I said on @hivebuzz's Feedback from the April 1st Hive Power Up Day post...

No fooling - here we are, two years and almost two weeks after the creation of our chain, and the amount of people celebrating by powering up on the first of each month seems to be growing all the time now! This month it's been a bit harder to judge the enthusiasm level, given that lots of Discord and Twitter notifications are coming in for both Power Up Day and HiveBloPoMo (Hive Blog Posting Month), but it still seems to me that bunches of people are doing some awesome staking today.

I think April's numbers will again show lots of new (and newish) faces to our community, and even if the total amount powered up isn't a huge amount (since new usually means small as far as liquid Hive goes), it's still a huge win Especially given the ultimate goal of this initiative (which turns 4 years old this month) is to encourage our newest and smallest members to stake their tokens, so they can grow their accounts.

As always, a big THANK YOU to everyone who participated in this Power Up Day by powering up, posting, and/or shouting out on all traditional web 2.0 social media. All of those things help shine a light on the blockchain, which in turn helps to grow our community. Special thanks to @hivebuzz for always BEEing such an incredible buzz-maker for Hive Power Up Day, and for continuing to add to the blockchain fun. And here's to all the Hiveans, new and old, who continue to increase their voting power and influence on the blockchain - congratulations to you all!


I'm happy to report that it seems that I was correct - we had lots of newer Hivers powering up (and even a few more OG Hiveans), and while participation held steady, the power up total was a smidge more than last month. So, the result was altogether...



To break it all down, we had 92 qualifying entries for the prize pool (compared to 96 in March) with 150 total entries (compared to 148 last month) and 163 posts with either the #HivePUD or #HPUD tags on the first (165 last month).

As for the overall number, the power ups ranged from 1.000 to 1000.000 Hive Power, for a grand total of...

10,340.008 Hive Powered Up!


By comparison, the total in February was 9,584.230, so I'm thinking this amount is...



The lists

Here is the UNOFFICIAL winners list for April 1st. If you spot any errors, or your powerup/post was somehow overlooked, please shout out as soon as possible.

And as usual, on April 5th I'll publish the OFFICIAL written-in-stone list, and at that time the sponsors can award their prizes. The complete list is in my newly combined announcement & welcome to Power Up Day post, and will be included in the official results as well.

Again as always, special thanks to my numbers guy @abh12345 for sending along the raw data for me to use to put this together as fast as possible after HiveSQL was available again. You ROCK, Asher! 😊



This list only includes those who powered up & posted about #HivePUD and/or #HPUD on the 1st, and met the criteria (reputation between 39 and 69 before powering up; Hive Power between 100 and 8000 prior to the 1st), and posted using the tag(s) so they qualify for prizes. I don't assign placement numbers until the official list is posted, and I've added a separate list below this one for those who posted & powered up, but their accounts were either too big/too small in their Hive Power or Reputation to qualify for the usual monthly prize pool.

Unofficial list of those
qualified for the prize pool
April 1st, 2022

PlaceholderAccountHive Powered UpStarting Hive Power% HP Growth


Participants who don't qualify for prizes

(but qualify as amazeballs because
they participated anyway!❤️
which inspired me in August 2021 to start offering a small but special prize pool for these folks)

PlaceholderAccountHive Powered UpStarting Hive Power% HP Growth


Thanks again to everyone for making this #HivePUD monthly event such an amazing success! I'm so proud to be a member of this wicked awesomesauce community!

And remember...


Image Credits: blog thumbnail created on Canva. #HivePUD GIF created using both Giphy and ezGIF.


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My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.
Blog graphics created on Canva

All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can also be found on my various social media sites.

Speaking of witch which...


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