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Game Development for Kids with GDevelop - Particle Effect of Rain

In this post, I am going to show you how to create Particle Effect of Rain using GDevelop.

In previous post I have explained how to make the particle effect of the sun. And it was one of the tutorial which I wanted to even try out for the Unity and Godot Engine. So now I have done this for the gdevelop, I may cover that part in near future.

One more thing is that rain effect works better if you have a good background and supporting sprites to work around. Because the rain effect is pretty much strong depending on if you work with tweaks. It can be used in various 2D games that you can develop with GDevelop.

So before we can get into the tutorial check out the table of content below.

Table of Contents for GDevelop Tutorials

  1. GDevelop - How to Create Project
  2. GDevelop - How to Create Scene
  3. GDevelop - How to add background Image
  4. GDevelop - How to add Image Sprite
  5. GDevelop - How to Horizontal Scroll
  6. GDeveop - How to Vertical Scroll
  7. GDevelop - How to Switch Level or Scene in Game
  8. GDevelop - Switch Scene or Level
  9. GDevelop - Add Force to Sprite
  10. GDevelop - Key Press Change Background
  11. GDevelop - Particle Emmiter
  12. GDevelop - Tiled Sprite
  13. GDevelop - Asset Store
  14. GDevelop - Text entry object
  15. GDevelop - Typewriter Effect
  16. GDevelop - Light Object
  17. GDevelop - Video object
  18. GDevelop - BBText object
  19. GDevelop - Pong Game - Player Movement
  20. GDevelop - Pong Game - Ball Movement
  21. Gdevelop - Pong Game Ball Gravity
  22. GDevelop - Particle Effect of Sun

Here's the video that explains how to make use of the GDevelop Particle Emmiter to create the particle effect of the Rain.

Where can you make use of the Rain effect? A lot of 2D Games make use of the rain in their levels. And the effect remains common for entire room or scene where the character movement happens. You can make the wind effect along with the rain effect. Both would make it a bit realistic with the game.

I remember last tutorial I explained you about what other effects are possible. So here we are going to be doing the snow effect after this. Because I have already made the tutorial on that I think I need to cover that here for those who want to make something simple with the particle effect. So check out next post about the snow effect soon.

I hope the current tutorial was useful to you.

We will continue the further game development topic in next post.