My History of Tacos


These are Birria Tacos from our local store!

This is my first foodie content where I feature these deliciously crafted tacos.

It is special for me because this is the tacos that made me question myself if it is a real taco or just another revision of what I used to eat. That is when I went to this event center and never heard of Birria tacos in my life. I tried it and I had only one question,

Where was I, when these came out!? Sounds hysterical, but really where was I?

I thought tacos are of the same kind, so I dip them into sauces and munch to my heart’s content. Just another modern food, and nothing more.

Or have I really had a proper taco before? The answer is no.

During my teenage years, I badly wanted to try foods around the world. Thus, labeling something like odd looking crispy chips with bits of filling and having someone labeled them as “tacos” made me believe that I can access and buy them at my young age. Now when any friend asks me if I have eaten it before, I would say yes and describe how it tastes without knowing that it is not authentic or even close but as a child, I still get the idea. Proud within that I had Mexican food.

Growing up, I realized that even plain tacos are not as plain as I thought, real good tacos are made with effort, one can enjoy even without fancy dips and herbs. I usually had the cheap tacos, one with mayonnaise, pieces of vegetables and ground pork. Believe me, I enjoyed them when I was a kid but as my taste buds evolve, I wonder if there is something more to tacos, something that is more than a snack, but enough for lunch or dinner. I love plain tacos of course, but I did not know that there are other kinds. Wow, am I late in life or something?

Thankfully, I stumbled upon these beauties. Birria tacos!


With mouthwatering birria beef, cheese, cilantro, herbs and spices, I can say that these tacos are a game changer. It also came in two servings!

Tacos like these are not the cheapest I can buy near my location. I had to travel to get these, not that food deliveries are not a thing, but the distance of my home, along the bumps and humps are some of the reasons why I prefer eating them at their location.

If you love savory, I think we can both agree to love this one. Especially when cravings are stronger than will. I also love to have them as my celebration comfort food.

That is why after so many months, I finally had them again, a treat from my good friend when I passed the national board exam. As simple as these can make me happy and content with small talks on the side with friends.


I am glad I have these somewhere in my city. Uncomplicated things that I just appreciate in my life. So for this post, I said yes to Birria tacos, yes to good food!

How about you? How old were you when you had your favorite tacos?

Thank you everyone for reading, I hope you will have a blessed day.

Best regards, Jani.

Note: All photos above are my personal pictures, unless stated otherwise.

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