Had The Special At Thai Restaurant! Yellow Curry Special

I took myself out for a special treat at the Thai Restaurant! It had been awhile since I have been there last. I am always a fan of their curries! I usually order the green curry however it was the yellow curry that was on special that day! It comes with spring rolls and I chose mango ice cream for desert

The spring rolls were super good! I really enjoy the sauce! It is like a spicy plum sauce. I was glad to have the special and get a bit of extra food with the curry

I ordered the curry to be medium hot! It did the trick! Curry is medicine! I always feel very good after eating. I've been house sitting at my place and have frozen dinners pre made at home. That's why I liked to get out for some Thai food. Sometimes the curry is served on a plate, other times a bowl. I was given the option this time. I like it in the bowl! You get a big portion and had some for left overs. I chose to have coconut rice with it

I like the vegetables in the curry! I have posted having curry here before! I figured that's okay 'cause I go for comfort food and sometimes order the same thing. I finished this special with mango ice cream! It was a very nice finish! I like that cherry

Posting this makes me hungry now! I made a video of the food

Music in the video by Synthesis Underground









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