Kinilawong Isda (Fresh Fish Dish)


The word "Kinilaw and Isda" are both Bisaya. I couldn't find a correct translation of "kinilaw" but to be understood, you can call it "eating it fresh" but the isda means fish. As long as the fish is just being caught by the fishermen and hasn't been preserved, it's good to eat. For those who are not used to eating the fish while it's fresh, it's hard for sure. However, when the fish is prepared and it can be made into "kinilaw," for sure it can be eaten.

Before we dive into the preparation let's share more ideas why eating "kinilawong isda?" Of course, it's delicious with the help of spices and some processes. If the processes are followed, the smell of the fish will be removed. Also, if you eat it you will realize that it's fine to eat it even though it's not being cooked. Most of the people who haven't tried eating it love the taste. Let's just not be presumptuous because there are others who don't like it. It depends on someone's liking after all.





Okay, we need to gather the ingredients first before starting to do the process.


1kg of fish
1 piece of coconut (grated)
⅛ ginger
1 piece of onion
1 tbsp of salt
¾ glass of vinegar (coconut vinegar is recommended)
the chili pepper is just optional so it depends on someone
3 tomatoes are just optional as well but if you want to put it don't add too many


  1. First, you need to clean the fish very well to avoid the smell. This time we prepared the flying fish because it tastes good and is affordable. In cleaning the flying fish you must remove that black formed line inside it. It provides a bad smell even if you clean it well and with complete spices. The smell of the fish still remains, so don't forget that.

  2. Prepare the spices like cleaning them and slicing them so they will be ready when you'll use them. Also, grate the coconut as well so when the cleaning will be done the job will be done flawlessly. By the way, slice the fish into 3 or 4 slices, it depends if you want to eat it with a smaller slice. This time the people who will eat should decide.


  1. The cleaning of fish, spices and the coconut was grated. Now it's time to squeeze the grated coconut to provide a vinegar mixing with the grated coconut. Just put the ¾ glass of vinegar into the grated coconut and mix it very well. Keep squeezing before you can tell it's ready. I have an image anyway for you to be easier to understand. We use vinegar in milking the grated coconut because that's the main ingredient in this type of dish. Don't be mistaken in adding water or else you will have a bad stomach after and it won't taste delicious.


Also, use a strainer to make the vinegar milk will be separated from the grated coconut.


  1. After having the coconut milk with vinegar. Add 2 tbsp of salt or half a glass of vinegar to the cleaned fish. It's already sliced so when adding the vinegar or salt, mix it very well to remove the smell of fish. Vinegar and salt are good for removing the smell and that's the reason it should be mixed in the sliced cleaned fish. I didn't add the extra vinegar or fish to the ingredients because it's not part of the ingredients in having this dish. I stated anyway how much vinegar or salt you need to mix so it will be understandable.

  2. Squeeze the sliced cleaned fish from the vinegar or salt. We'll do that to extract some liquid from the fish and also to make sure the vinegar or salt removes the smell of the fish. After squeezing it, place it in a clean material so it will be ready for the preparations.

  3. We're almost done, so time to add the spices, salt in that milk vinegar. Before placing the fish make sure to taste it if the salt is fine but the amount I placed above was always accurate in preparing this fish. If it's not, it depends on someone's taste.

  4. When it tastes good already, time to place the squeezed fish on it. If the fish is already placed it means it's good to eat and that's how the preparation is finished.


We have different tastes but the ingredients above will be your guide on what to use in preparing this type of dish. You are welcome to your judgment if it matters about the taste since I stated how to prepare it and gave you the ingredients. Also, any fish can be fine of course, but we always prefer the flying fish because the bone is soft and the taste is good. One more thing, if you don't like grated coconut just use the vinegar alone because it's good too. Some people prefer eating with just vinegar on it because there's no hassle.

Thank you for reading

All content is my own unless otherwise noted
If images are being recycled, I just found it fit in my article.


Paul is the name but prefers to be called mrnightmare that feels like living in the dream. A country boy and a dreamboy (dreamer) who likes to stay in a small village even though it means abandoning the future to become a seaman. The passion is writing but not sailing in the vast ocean. Don't wonder if the face will not be shown, this is better where the words can flow smoothly. Come, have fun with me and be part of my journey while talking about life events and random activities. It's fun to learn about life, don't hesitate, let's figure it out as we continue enjoying staying in this world.


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