Daily Food Blog #4 : Let's Travel To Middle East via Tarbush

Food Journal : Tarbush Falafel And Mandi Rice


I can't begin to tell y'all how happy I am finding a good falafel place in this place.

It was in Malaysia when I first tasted the deep fried patty fritter made from Chick pea originated from Middle east. It was something I instantly loved. The uniqueness of the spice and the taste were something I enjoyed from it. Hence why, I could say it was one of the food that I truly loved other than coffee and bagels.

A few years ago, it was difficult finding a falafel place where I live. It was almost nonexistent except when I was traveling to Bali. There, I spotted some falafel places. I didn't get the chance to buy it though, so it was unfortunate. Then, the next year, I had to travel to another place for my community service. Followed by corona virus restriction and only today, I get the chance to meet Falafel.

Previously, I attempted to make falafel on my own but it was such a hassle because it was also difficult finding a good chickpea.So, it was something I've forgotten.

I found this Tarbush just a few days ago but was hesitant to try because of its low rating. I rarely eat at place that has rating below 4.5 on Grab. They food that often shown in my blog comes from 4.5 and above rated places. Tarbush, on the other hand is rated 4.1 which is pretty low.

It was quite a gamble. I set my expectation low , so that I am ready for a disappointment in my day which is already a bad one.

After the food arrived, it was all neatly packaged in a red and white food packaging. It seemed like tarbush is a fast-food middle eastern cuisine place. I also read from several sources that the cooks are Arabs. So, that could mean, this food is legit and the taste is not too altered at all to cater the Indonesian palate. But is it? well... let's get into the tasting.

I often appreciate cooks who are coming from the country origin of their food. That is because, they understand the basic taste of the food and likely won't alter the taste too much.



The falafel box has 5 pieces of falafel with salad that consist of chopped paprika, cabbage, and some spices. The falafel taste itself was decent. It was savory but not too salty. Unfortunately, it doesn't come with the hummus. I was expecting that the falafel would come with the hummmus. It's alright, next time, I would order the hummus on the side. If I were to make comparison with my first falafel, my first falafel definitely tasted better.

Now, let's get to the Mandi Chicken Rice

Mandi Rice


This Yellow long grain rice is a traditional dish from Yemen. This dish is often served with various meat, salads and even raisins. But in my box, it was salads with mayo,spicy sambal, roasted chicken, and the yellow long-grain rice. I especially love the chicken because the flavor was smooth, balanced, and just enough to add more taste to the rice. Inside the rice, I found some spices that I can't quite identify. The rice itself was fluffy, flavorful, and tastes great. I have nothing bad to say about this rice.

Overall, both meal was great. Now, I am left to wonder why this place has such a bad review, considering the taste and the price were quite reasonable.

Hope You Enjoyed This article!

image.pngMac is a content creator that covers literature, books, technology, philosophy, nootropics, productivity, minimalist lifestyle, cybersecurity, and languages. Other than those, she is passionate about cooking and travel. In her free time, she enjoys learning various things.
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