"Scattered Sushi-Chirashizushi for Japanese Hina Doll Festival ひな祭りのちらし寿司" [English and Japanese]


"Scattered Sushi- Chirashizushi for Hina Doll Festival"

I cooked scattered sushi which is called "Chirashizushi(ちらし寿司)" in Japanese. People eat Chirashizushi, soup, sweets for the Hina Doll festival which is called "Hinamatsuri(ひな祭り)" in Japan. People celebrate Hinamatsuri to enjoy and wish for girls' health, and happiness in spring usually on March the 3rd. For Chirashizushi, we scatter colourful ingredients on top of vinegared rice.

The Hina dolls picture below is my Hina dolls which we donated to somebody because I couldn't take care of them anymore. I really liked them because they looked very pretty and had beautiful materials.

I decided to cook Chirashizushi for this year's Hinamatsuri. However, I couldn't buy some ingredients in my area as usual. I customized and made original ingredients for the shortage of ingredients. It took a long time but it was delicious! Chirashizushi is a very colourful pretty-looking meal. It tastes sweet and sour!






About Hina Doll Festival ひな祭りについてはコチラ:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinamatsuri
or check @dbooster's blog! @dbooster/all-about-girl-s-day


Vinegared Rice

・Rice two scoops for 2-3 people
・Vinegar 2 and 1/2 tablespoons
・Sugar 2 and 1/2 tablespoons
・Salt 1 teaspoon
・Roasted sesame seeds to taste


・Shrimp 10-15
・Eggs 2
・Oil 1-2 teaspoons
・Green onions 1-2 bunches (if you have boiled snap peas that would be nice)
・Carrot 1
・Mushrooms 3-4 (if you have dried shiitake, use it and soaked water after soaking it)
・Water to boil carrots and mushrooms
・Hondashi 1 and 1/2 teaspoons
・Dried burdock 2-3 pieces
・Soy sauce 2 tablespoons
・Sugar 2 tablespoons
・Cooking sake 2 tablespoons
・Sushi nori (Dried seaweed) 1/2

Cooking time is about 1 and half hours including the preparation time.


・米 2合 (2−3人分)
・酢 大さじ2と1/2
・さとう 大さじ2と1/2
・塩 小さじ1
・いりごま 少々


・えび 10−15尾
・卵 2個
・油 小さじ1ー2
・小ネギ 1−2本 (スナップえんどうがあれば茹でて使う)
・にんじん 1本
・きのこ 3ー4個 (干し椎茸があれば戻し、戻した水も使う)
・水 適量 にんじんときのこを煮る用
・ほんだし 小さじ1と1/2
・乾燥ごぼう 2−3かけ
・しょうゆ 大さじ2
・さとう 大さじ2
・料理酒 大さじ2
・寿司のり 半分


Cut carrot, mushrooms, and green onions.


  1. Boil water in a small pot.
  2. Boil shrimp for a while.
  3. Drain and cool them for a while.
  4. Leave shrimp tails and take the shells off.

1. 小鍋にお湯をわかす。
2. えびを少し茹でる。
3. お湯をきって冷ます。
4. しっぽを残して皮を剥く。


  1. Boil water in a pot.
  2. Add dried burdock.
  3. Add Hondashi.
  4. Boil for a while.

1. 鍋にお湯をわかす。
2. 乾燥ごぼうを入れる。
3. ほんだしを入れる。
4. しばらく煮出す。


  1. Add carrots and mushrooms into the pot.

1. にんじんときのこを加える。


  1. Add sugar.
  2. Add soy sauce.
  3. Add cooking sake.
  4. Boil it until the liquid totally disappears about 20 minutes at high heat first and then medium heat.

1. さとうと加える。
2. しょうゆを加える。
3. 料理酒を加える。
4. 水分が完全になくなるまで約20分くらいはじめは強火、後に弱火で煮込む。


  1. Crack eggs into a bowl.
  2. Mix well.
  3. Add a tablespoon of boiling soup from carrots and mushrooms.
  4. Mix well.

1. 卵をボールに割る。
2. よく混ぜる。
3. にんじんときのこを煮ている汁を大さじ1すくって入れる。
4. よく混ぜる。


  1. Heat a small frying pan.
  2. Pour oil into the pan.
  3. Wipe and spread the oil evenly with a paper towel.
  4. Pour egg into the pan and heat at medium heat.
  5. Hold it to the other side and add the egg to the empty side.
  6. Do the same thing a few times.
  7. Make thin roll eggs.
  8. Move it to a dish and cool it.

1. 小さなフライパンを熱する。
2. 油をひく。
3. キッチンペーパーなどで油を拭き取り均一にする。
4. 卵をフライパンに流し入れ、中火で焼く。
5. 半分に折って、反対側にまた卵を流し入れる。
6. 同じ作業を繰り返す。
7. 薄い卵焼きを作る。
8. 皿にうつして冷ます。


  1. Wash 2 cups of rice.
  2. Pour water up to level 2.
  3. Cook rice.
  4. After cooking rice, mix it well.
  5. Put rice into a big bowl (If you have a wooden bowl for sushi that would be nice).

1. 2合の米を洗う。
2. 水を2合のメモリまで注ぐ。
3. 米を炊く。
4. ご飯が炊けたらよく混ぜる。
5. ご飯を大きなボールに移す。(寿司桶があればそちらを使用。)


  1. Mix vinegar, sugar, and salt in a small bowl.
  2. Microwave for about a minute.
    I used brown sugar so it looks brownish. If you use white sugar it looks clear.

1. 酢、砂糖、塩を小さなボールに混ぜ合わせる。
2. 電子レンジで1分くらい温める。


  1. Pour vinegar sauce into the rice.
  2. Cool rice with a hairdryer (use the cooler setting and don't cool it too much). If you use a Japanese fan, it takes longer but it is a traditional style to dry out the rice a bit.
  3. Add roasted sesame seeds and mix well.

1. 作っておいた酢飯用の酢を入れる。
2. ドライヤーでご飯を冷ます。(冷風で冷ましすぎないようにする。)
3. いりごまを入れてよく混ぜ合わせる。

Toppings are ready! There are vinegared rice, sweet carrots and mushrooms, boiled shrimp, sliced egg rolls, green onions, and thin-cut sushi nori.

トッピングの準備がととのいました。酢飯、甘く煮たにんじんときのこ、茹でたえび、錦糸卵、小ネギと 細切りした寿司のりです。


  1. Add sweet carrots and mushrooms to the vinegared rice.
  2. Mix well.
  3. Put vinegared rice into a dish.
  4. Add sliced egg rolls on top of the rice.

1. 甘く煮たにんじんときのこを酢飯に入れる。
2. よく混ぜ合わせる。
3. 酢飯を器によそう。
4. 錦糸卵をのせる。


  1. Put boiled shrimp on top of the rice.
  2. Add green onions.
    If you have soy sauce marinaded salmon eggs that would be perfect toppings for Chirashizushi.

1. 茹でたえびを酢飯の上にのせる。
2. 小ネギをのせる。

Finally, add thin-cut sushi nori on top of vinegared rice just before eating.


It was sweet and sour! I really enjoyed the special spring event meal Chirashizushi. I wish I could share with my family in Japan.


My Site: https://koto-art.wixsite.com/mysite-1

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