The feeling of eating nutritious and delicious guava while sitting in the office!

Guava is a delicious fruit. This is one of my favorite fruits. Moreover, we know that it is a very nutritious fruit that contains a lot of vitamin C. Moreover, the most important thing is that vitamin C is very beneficial for us, especially since I have cold and cough problems, so this fruit is a very favorite fruit for me. Moreover, it is a very tasty fruit which is a very popular fruit in our country and this fruit is more or less available throughout the year. We also have a few guava trees in our house, one of which has produced some fruit. However, our two uncles' trees yielded quite well and they often gave us lots of guavas for food.





Moreover, to tell the truth, at one time our house used to produce a lot of guavas. Both of us in particular used to have a bumper crop of guavas, although the yield began to dwindle after a thief stole it from the tree. But those guavas were huge and I used to eat a lot of guavas every day especially mixed with chili powder and salt which is one of my favorite foods. A few days ago, when I was sitting in the office, one of my students brought many guavas weighing two to three kilograms and gave them to us. Then I mixed them with chili powder and salt and ate them which I found one of the tastes.

Most importantly, it is a very nutritious food. In particular, it contains a lot of fiber in addition to vitamin C, and we know how important fiber is for our bodies. But guava has been one of my favorite fruits since childhood. I used to eat a lot of guavas from a very young age especially since we have trees and the guavas from our trees are very tasty and it became a habit since then. However, when my student gave me some guavas to eat a few days ago, they were quite tasty, although nowadays most guavas have insects inside. But the ones sold in the market are very tasty and quite expensive. I usually buy from the market for food. Anyway, I was very fond of guava mixed with chili powder and salt that day and enjoyed this fruit quite a bit.

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