Ramen Herbalizer. A feast for the eyes and the taste buds 馃崪 / Wega艅ski ramen o zio艂owo-grzybowym aromacie


Today I went to eat vegan ramen, which I liked a lot recently. Due to the long weekend, there were no crowds in the restaurant and I could sit wherever I wanted. Several new dishes have appeared on the menu. Cold ramen, perfect for hot days, and Truskamen, sweet ramen. As you can guess from the name, with strawberries. Cold ramenes are prepared on the basis of lemon-sesame broth and a creamy broth with the addition of broad beans, lamb's lettuce, beetroot and a few exotic additives. I decided to get the ramen that I had already eaten and enjoyed, i.e. the herbalizer.

Wybra艂am si臋 dzisiaj na wega艅ski ramen, kt贸ry niedawno bardzo mi zasmakowa艂. Ze wzgl臋du na d艂ugi czerwcowy weekend w restauracji nie by艂o t艂um贸w i mog艂am sobie usi膮艣膰 tam, gdzie chcia艂am. W menu pojawi艂o si臋 kilka nowo艣ci. Rameny na zimno, idealne na upalne dni oraz Truskamen, ramen na s艂odko. Jak mo偶na si臋 domy艣li膰 po nazwie, truskawkowy. Rameny na zimno s膮 przygotowywane na bazie cytrynowo-sezamowego bulionu oraz kremowego bulionu z dodatkiem, bobu, roszponki, botwinki i paru egzotycznych dodatk贸w. Ja zdecydowa艂a, si臋 na ramen, kt贸ry ju偶 jad艂am i mi smakowa艂, czyli herbalizer.


It's a mild ramen with herbs, Asian mushrooms, grilled tomato, soybean bread, and chives. There was a huge purple perilla leaf floating in the soup I got, and there were also a lot of mushrooms. The soup is very aromatic and reminds me a bit of the mysterious potion of the herbalist 馃槈

To 艂agodny ramen z zio艂ami, azjatyckimi grzybami, grillowanym pomidorem, chlebkami sojowymi i szczypiorkiem. W zupie, kt贸r膮 dosta艂am p艂ywa艂 ogromny fioletowy li艣膰 pachnotki, by艂o tez du偶o grzyb贸w. Zupa jest bardzo aromatyczna i przypomina mi troch臋 tajemniczy eliksir zielarki 馃槈



The place looks a bit like a seaside restaurant. There are a lot of palm trees, pineapples, and the waiters wear Hawaiian shirts.

Lokal wygl膮da nieco jak nadmorska restauracja. Du偶o tu palm, ananasy, a kelnerzy nosz膮 hawajskie koszule.



I always like this bird made of origami in this restaurant. You can see from above how complicated this structure is.

Zawsze mi si臋 podoba w tej restauracji ten ptak zrobiony z origami. Z g贸ry wida膰 jaka to skomplikowana konstrukcja.




There are many photos hung on the wall of the restaurant. When I looked at them closely, I noticed some cool photos. Guy eating ramen in a funny way. This is one of the waiters 馃槈

Na 艣cianie restauracji jest zawieszonych wiele zdj臋膰. Gdy przyjrza艂am im si臋 z bliska zauwa偶y艂am kilka 艣miesznych fot. Gostek jedz膮cy ramen w zabawny spos贸b. To jeden z kelner贸w 馃槈




And THIS picture with the words "this guy is not served" 馃槈 Like in the movie "What Will You Do When You Catch Me", in which, at hte entrance to one of the stores, there were posted photos of people who were not allowed into the store because they did something wrong. It's nice that the employees in these restaurants have a great sense of humor 馃槈

Oraz TO zdj臋cie z napisem "tego go艣cia nie obs艂ugujemy" 馃槈 Jak w filmie "Co mi zrobisz, jak mnie z艂apiesz", w kt贸rym przy wej艣ciu do jednego ze sklep贸w by艂y umieszczone zdj臋cia os贸b, kt贸rych nie wpuszczano do sklepu bo co艣 nabroili. Fajnie, 偶e w te restauracji pracownicy maj膮 du偶e poczucie humoru 馃槈


My ramen was very tasty. I used special overlays on the sticks to make it easier for me to remove the noodles from the soup. The soybean bread tasted slightly sweet, the tomato was warm and grilled, the mushrooms intensified the flavor, and the broth was clear. Deliciousness.

M贸j ramen by艂 bardzo smaczny. Wykorzysta艂am specjalne nak艂adki na patyczki, 偶eby 艂atwiej mi by艂o wyci膮ga膰 makaron z zupy. Chlebki sojowe mia艂y nieco s艂odki smak, pomidor by艂 ciep艂y i lekko zgrillowany, grzyby - intensyfikowa艂y smak,a do tego klarowny bulion. Pyszno艣ci.



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