Food I ate when at my husband's hometown

Following my previous post, I am back here for a short weekend trip to visit my husband's family up north of the country. Whenever we're back here, I never know the meaning of "hungry", we get fed so well one hour after another. I noticed since my first time here that they're such simple people yet very generous in their giving, especially regarding food. From the previous post, you'll know they harvest a lot of their own from the farm around their house and what better than to enjoy them freshly cooked?

It's like an adventure every time we're back here because we're not sure what will we be having as it all depends on what's in season. Even what's in season depends on the weather as that plays a huge role in what will be harvested. For example, this time, the four-angled bean plant was supposed to be in abundance but due to the recent unpredictable weather, it hasn't been so.

They do not put any pesticides or any chemicals on their crops, just let them grow and harvest when it's time. It tastes super different from anything you buy from the supermarket, mostly tastes really sweet and you do not have to do much to add flavour to it. Once, there was a massive flood that hit their home and unfortunately, they couldn't save the chicken shed where none of the chickens survived. That made the soil really fertile as it was natural fertilizer, thanks to the chickens for their sacrifice.

So, here is some of the food we had over this weekend. I did not manage to get all of them, at times it's just overwhelming and I forget. haha! Anyway, do enjoy these homecooked meals (via photo)!

Dinner spread on the first night we were there, just for the 6 of us. And mind you, they are small eaters!

Homemade Char Siew, in other words, BBQ Pork

Steamed fish in sour gravy, Ma Yao fish in tomatoes, ginger, onions and some other soury stuff, sooooo tasty and appetising!

Neighbour's homemade sambal! OMG! SO TASTY!

Clams or lala in fermented bean paste. LOVED IT!

Curry fish head!

Bak Kien in Hokkien means Spring Roll but filled with minced pork and wrapped with soy based skin

Chicken marinated in lam yu (red fermented beancurd)

Watercress Soup, my ever favourite soup with pork bones

Kangkung (Water spinach) with belacan

Homemade kaya paooooo!

Freshly made angku kueh with peanut specially for me!

Bittergourd in egg and tomatoes

Famous Ah Fook Chicken from the hawker stall just nearby the house

Harvested coconuts just a few steps in their frontyard

Who doesn't love a freshly open coconut water?!

Grandma's famous Mee Tiao

Deep fried bean curd

Shallow fry toufu. I don't know why, but their toufu is always sooooo good

Another fish with beancurd

Pig's Trotter Vinegar!

The table is always so packed!

OK Time for me to workout and eat less for this coming week! 🤣

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