Indian Style Macaroni


Hello, today I bring a recipe that you could try. It tastes so good and also very easy to make.

So let's begin with the recipe

First, I took a bowl and added 2 litre of water for boiling.


I used small sized macaroni which has wheat in it. It is easily available in every super store. Especially if u are making for kids then use macaroni which has wheat in it as it is more nutritious. As soon the water gets boiled i added 1/2 tsp salt and 1 tsp oil so that the macaroni doesn't get stick with one another. After this I added 2 cups macaroni. I boiled it for 2 mins on medium flame with the lid open. Stir it for few minutes as it cooks fastly and as soon as the macaroni looks transparent,turn off the flame. I drained the water and washed it with medium water and took out it in strainer and spread the macaroni.


Now moving towards the next step, I took a pan and added 2 tbsp cooking oil then I added finely chopped onion 1/4 tbsp and I cooked it for 1 min on medium flame then i added vegetables like cabbage, tomato, peas and capcicum. I chopped each of them very finely. You can skip or add more vegetables of your choice. Add salt and cover the pan for 2 mins.


After that i opened the lid and aaded 1 tbsp chilli flakes, 1 tbsp black pepper powder, 1 tbsp coriander powder and 1/4 turmeric powder. Mix it well and then i added macaroni and salt to taste. Keep in mind that earlier also we added salt, so accordingly add. Mix it well and just cook for more 1-2 mins and it's ready. Now turn off the flame and serve it hot.


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